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Various sprites of the Vic Viper line up, from the tiniest 8-bit to the hundred gigabytes of a 3D render.

You selected the tiny one. No, not the rendered one. That's just too realistic to fit into the 8KB cartridge. That tiny-bit pixel was enough to express a single set of information before the information exploded, sort of.

It further shows a set of sprite sheets for the Vic Viper. Actually... what it should be. There is a lot being conveyed here...

A shining star?

"The countless time spent with 'The Person' and 'They', they have trusted each and eventually exported themselves into a 'legend', to go on an adventure..."

...I didn't expect that selection to convey an entirely unrelated story. Guess we are going to talk from that perspective now.

Now, they ventured into the concrete jungle, ducking the spike of grasses while avoiding the static naturalism of natives.

During the travel, they discuss, and discuss... about their future and life.

While they mind their business, a selection of various passages line up.

Like that, the endless journey of the selected path continues.

...Or not. They have changed the direction, somewhere I don't know. Now they are walking in an oasis.

The oasis; this is where everlasting relationships go to.

Here, we are able to build a skill tree. A selection of various skillset line up.

Like that, they can enhance their quality as the legend; a player.

...They decided to choose nothing but this thing called: everlasting confession.

Maybe that way, they could make sure to protect each other and bond forever.

They continue to leave a step of their journey.

Actually, their journey never ended. I'd bet so.

The endless tie of the string never cuts. SELECTION SCREEN.

Of Fake Game Screens; A ReflectionWhere stories live. Discover now