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..."They" encounter The Person, again struggling.

"They" try to reach. A miss.

The Person is feeling very uneasy.

"They" attempt to use everything they have in their inventory, a light ball.

The light ball extinguishes itself under The Person's hand.

"They" attempt to cast hospitality, which inflicts a status.

The Person feels stressed as they feel the weight of the world.

"They" attempt to cast kindness, which inflicts a status.

The Person feels intimidated, as they feel the importance of their actions.

The Person admits "They" are unable to help them in any circumstances.

At last, The Person collapses, and the turns end.

"They" rush towards The Person, holding them gently, closer to "Their" chest.

"They" bawl and bawl.

...They couldn't reach.

"They" stop crying, and stay with The Person as long as it lasts. BATTLE SCREEN.

Of Fake Game Screens; A ReflectionWhere stories live. Discover now