CHAPTER 0: Transporting

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Rocky was bored.

All his team members seemed busy, even Ice cube who was around the same age as him.

From what Rocky remembered was that she had ran off into the distance, he didn't know where she ran off too but it's probably important.

So Rocky was just laying on the yellow grass, staring at the clouds. Sometimes he'd see one that looked like his father, Cloudy.

Rocky subconsciously turned his head to the right and saw his brother, Nickel entering the building.

He didn't look busy, Rocky thought.

Maybe he could play with Rocky!

Rocky got up from his spot and ran inside the building, once he got inside Nickel had disappeared.

Maybe he had gone upstairs to his room?

Rocky ran upstairs to the floor where his brother's team had resigned.
Once he got up there, Rocky knocked on the door. No one answered so Rocky knocked even harder.

On the second knock the door swung opened.
Rocky entered the room, the living room was decorated like their teams logo. Yellow with small hints of black.
Rocky walked through the narrow hallway on the right side next to the kitchen, where the room were.

All Rocky needed to do was find to find the room with his brother's name and Bomby.

Looking at each name plate he soon found his brother's room.
Rocky opened the door and entered. It was very messy, sweaters were either on the floor or on Nickel's bed.
Bomby on the other hand wasn't better then Nickel's side of the room.

Unfortunately Nickel wasn't in his room.
Rocky sorta took the opportunity to look through Nickel's things since no one was around.

Rocky opened the closet first, dirty clothes were on the floor of the closet. There were also boxes laying around, Rocky didn't want to invade his brother's property any further so he just left them and closed the closet.

Next what Rocky did was look through his nightstand drawer. There was nothing much in there expect for a necklace and a box filled with photos Rocky didn't bother to check.

Atlas Rocky was bored again. He fell to the floor and layed there.
He turned his head to the left and saw something interesting under Nickel's bed.

It was blinking on and off again, it was hard to tell what it was admits the other stuff under his bed.

Rocky crawled over and reached his hand underneath. Feeling around, his hand touches something cold and hard.

Rocky wanting to see what it was, reaches further so he can properly grab it.
Once his hand wrapped around it, Rocky pulled it out of underneath the bed.

Turns out it was just a yo-yo, the blinking thing was still underneath the bed.

Rocky wanted to try again, but before he could reach again the door swung opened.


Rocky looked up and saw his older brother Nickel at the doorway.

"Were you looking for me? Sorry kid, but atleast I found you. Two's cooking something up for us contestants" Nickel said as he walked over to Rocky and picked him up from the floor.

The two walked out of the room, but Rocky was determined to figure out what was under his big brother's bed!

Later when Rocky's team approach him to talk, Rocky didn't bother to listen on what they had to say. He was just focus on that one thing.

Once he was done Rocky got up and dashed into the building, almost knocking over Ice cube.

"Caught ya there Icy, I guess the little fella busy right now" Winner said as they watched Rocky run away.

Once Rocky entered the building he ran up to his team's floor and entered it.
He needed something long enough to reach the item that was under Nickel's bed.

Rocky ran into his room he use to share with Cloudy. He rummaged through his toy bin to see if there was anything useful, pulling things out one by one. Rocky created a pile of toys behind him until he found the one.

A extendable raptor claw Woody got for him for his birthday!!

Rocky dashed out of the room, out of his his team's floor and ran up the stairs. Once Rocky reached team 'Just Not' floor, Rocky opened the door and ran towards Nickel's room.

He slightly opened the door to check if anyone was inside. Rocky confirmed that no one was inside right now.

Rocky entered the room and went next to Nickel's bed. He got onto the floor, using the extendable raptor claw. Rocky scooped out almost everything from underneath his brother bed.
Soon enough Rocky got the item out.

It was somewhat a half sphere looking thing, just a lot thinner.

Rocky examined the item, viewing it in different angles, tapping the circular thing in the middle of it.

Rocky found it odd that it wasn't blinking, it was blinking earlier. Why did it stop?

Rocky continued to toy with the mechanism in hand. To the point where Rocky resorted to slamming it against any in the room.

Rocky even threw it against the wall.

Rocky knew if he threw up on it, it will break and Nickel would be mad at Rocky.

Rocky laid on Nickel's bed and continued to play the item, hovering it over his head and spinning it around.

Soon enough Rocky found a dial of some sort.

Rocky sat up and began to play round, messing with the dial. Thinking it would do something but atlas it didn't.

Rocky pouted and threw the item on the ground them stomped on it.

Rocky realized his mistake and picked it up to see if he had damage it in any way possible.

Good news; it was still intact.

Bad news; it was blinking again.

A bit more rapidly then it was before, Rocky didn't know if this was a good thing or that he messed up big time.

Soon enough the item Rocky held flashed before his eyes and before he even knew it!


He wasn't in Nickel's room anymore.

There were more buildings that he had ever seen. Rocky would of guess he was in the abandoned yoyle city, but seeing people here wander around.

He knew he was nowhere near yoyle city.

Everything was so loud for Rocky, and there was so many people on the sidewalk. That Rocky couldn't even get pass.

Rocky backed up, hitting a wall that was behind him. He still had the item in his hand, but he was too scared to use it seeing as he's in some unknown place.

Rocky was scared. Scared and alone...

Rocky wanted to go home. Rocky wanted his big brothers!!!

Rocky wanted his dad, his team!!

Rocky wished he didn't take that stupid item!!


"Was our room always this messy Bomby?"

"I don't think so... Oh look! My missing yo-yo!!"

Bomby and Nickel had just returned from a team hangout. Bomby sat on his bed and played with his yo-yo, Nickel on the other hand just shoved everything back under his bed before laying down.

He didn't even notice Rocky's extendable raptor claw he kicked under his bed.

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