Labor Day Weekend Pt.2

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Trina Robinson was totally embarrassed by her family while her boyfriend, Spencer was there. Trina turn towards her great-grandmother Madea as she looks very upset. Madea look at Trina like what's wrong with her.

Madea: Chile, What the hell wrong with you? You should be happy with a Cassadine Prince.

Trina: I would be if you guys don't embarrass me in front of my boyfriend.

Madea: Chile, an't nobody embarrass you, what was embarrass that you didn't handle that psycho bitch like I told you to do!

Trina: What? Shoot Esme?

Madea: Hell yeah, I told you that gun is a peacemaker. I read the Bible baby.

Trina: Oh really?

Madea: Yes Chile! The Lord was speaking words

Cora, Stella, Aunt Bam: Yes.

Madea: So if the word spoke words

Cora: Uh huh.

Madea: The creator of the alphabet and all the words he spoke words in past present and future tense.

Stella: Okay Mabel*she laughed*

Madea: Peace be still in the beginning, Peace was already Still.

Trina: Right, Right.

Madea: He just had to fulfill the prophecy...Stay With me!

Aunt Bam: Go ahead girl!

Stella: You better preach it sista!

Madea: Jesus said peace be still.

Cora: Yes.

Madea: Peace was still and if you want peace right now peace is still in the future.

Cora: That's right.

Madea: Peace be still, Peace was still, Peace is still. Peace is made of still. *Madea had her pistol up in the air as she shake her wig feeling the holy ghost* As she gotta dance.

Everyone started laughing which it made Trina smile as she missed spending time with her family.

Meanwhile, Spencer Cassadine steps outside as he was greeted by TJ Ashford, Trina's little brother, Deonte Ashford, and Curtis while they chilling drinking beers while Deonte on his phone. Spencer spotted Marshall arguing with Trina's great-grandfather Mr. Leroy Brown over at the grill.

Spencer: Sup y'all!

TJ: Spencer, what's good my guy! *TJ gave Spencer a handshake*

Deonte: Sup big bro!

Spencer: Sup lil bro! *Spencer gave Deonte a handshake*

Curtis: Spencer, I'm glad you made it. You just in time.

Spencer: In time for what?

Suddenly there was a loud boom as the fire got out of hand. Mr. Brown got caught on fire as he was screaming.

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