Chapter 3: A New Roommate

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One sunny morning, as Jungkook returned to his university dormitory after a long day of classes, he received unexpected news from the housing office. A new roommate had been assigned to him, a change that would disrupt the tranquility of his life.

With a sense of trepidation, Jungkook entered their shared room and froze in his tracks. Sitting on one of the beds was a striking young man with brown eyes that held a spark of mischief. It was his new roommate, Kim Taehyung.

For a moment, Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes. This was the same vampire he had encountered in the dark alley, the one who had left an indelible mark on his memory. But something was different. Taehyung's eyes were no longer blood-red; they were a warm, inviting brown.

As they exchanged hesitant greetings, Jungkook couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic vampire's true nature. Had he imagined the encounter in the alley, or was there more to Taehyung than met the eye?

Their cohabitation in the university dormitory marked the beginning of a new chapter in both their lives. Little did they know that this unexpected twist of fate would unravel a complex web of secrets, desires, and an unspoken connection that defied the boundaries of their worlds.

With each passing day, their friendship deepened, and Jungkook found himself drawn to Taehyung in ways he couldn't explain. It was a connection that transcended the ordinary, a bond that would soon lead them down a path filled with challenges, discoveries, and the irresistible pull of destiny.

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