Chapter 4: The Bullies and the Saviors

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Life at the university was a mixed bag for Jungkook. On one hand, he thrived academically, earning the respect of professors and classmates alike. On the other hand, he had to face a group of bullies who made his daily existence a nightmare.

Among the bullies, one name stood out: Sehun. He was a tall and muscular student who took pleasure in tormenting Jungkook. Sehun's cruel words and physical abuse were a constant threat, a reminder that Jungkook's fragile existence was at the mercy of those who sought to exploit his vulnerability.

One afternoon, as Jungkook was leaving the campus library, he found himself surrounded by Sehun and his gang. They pushed him around, taunting him with derogatory slurs and cruel laughter. It was a scene that had become all too familiar.

Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes as he struggled to maintain his composure. He felt helpless, trapped in a never-ending cycle of humiliation and pain. But just when he thought he couldn't bear it any longer, a sudden, unexpected intervention changed everything.

A voice, confident and commanding, cut through the tormentors' jeers. "That's enough."

The bullies turned to see the source of the voice and froze in their tracks. It was Taehyung, Jungkook's roommate and friend. Taehyung's presence alone seemed to radiate an aura of dominance, commanding attention and respect.

With a stern expression, Taehyung stepped forward, shielding Jungkook from the bullies. "You should be ashamed of yourselves, picking on someone weaker than you. Is this what you call strength?"

Sehun and his gang exchanged uneasy glances, clearly taken aback by Taehyung's unwavering demeanor. They mumbled half-hearted apologies before dispersing, leaving Jungkook and Taehyung alone.

Jungkook's heart swelled with gratitude and admiration for his roommate. Taehyung had come to his rescue without hesitation, and in that moment, Jungkook's feelings for him deepened. He admired Taehyung's strength, both physical and emotional, and secretly harbored a growing crush.

As they walked away from the scene, Taehyung glanced at Jungkook and offered a warm smile. "You don't have to face them alone, Jungkook. I've got your back."

Jungkook's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and affection. He mumbled a heartfelt "Thank you," and in that brief exchange, their bond grew stronger. Little did they know that this incident would be the catalyst for a series of events that would test their friendship and reveal hidden truths about the supernatural world they inhabited.

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