Chapter 26: Dance of Deception

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The decision to use Elara's betrayal to their advantage was a risky one, but Taehyung, Jungkook, and Seraphine had no other choice. They couldn't allow Malachi and his allies to anticipate their moves and thwart their mission to fulfill the prophecy.

As they continued their journey, they carefully fed Malachi false information through Elara. They concocted elaborate plans and false leads, making it seem as though they were pursuing goals that were far from the truth. They had to dance the delicate dance of deception, all the while keeping their true intentions hidden.

However, they knew that their ruse wouldn't hold forever. Malachi was cunning and persistent, and it was only a matter of time before he saw through their façade. Taehyung, Jungkook, and Seraphine were aware that a confrontation with Malachi was inevitable, and they had to be prepared for the battle that lay ahead.

Their journey took them to the Crimson Mountains, a treacherous and unforgiving terrain that was rumored to hide ancient secrets. It was there that they hoped to find the next clue that would lead them closer to fulfilling the prophecy. The mountains were known for their ever-shifting landscapes and illusions that could deceive even the most skilled travelers.

Navigating the Crimson Mountains was a test of their wits and their ability to see through illusions. Taehyung's elemental magic, Jungkook's unique mate abilities, and Seraphine's wisdom proved invaluable as they made their way through the perilous terrain.

One night, as they camped in a secluded valley within the mountains, they were visited by a mysterious figure who identified themselves as Celestia. Celestia claimed to possess knowledge about the prophecy and the true power of the Vampire's Heart.

"You have been deceived," Celestia warned. "The artifact you seek is not just a symbol of royalty; it holds the power to reshape the vampire world itself."

Taehyung, Jungkook, and Seraphine exchanged glances, realizing that their quest had taken on an even greater significance. The fate of their world depended on their success, and the dance of deception had led them to a revelation that would change everything.

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