Part 5. Recognition, destruction, exile.

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English is not my first language.

Ayanokoji: Can I meet my friend?

The chairman smiled gently: This I can do

Ayanokoji: Thank you Sakayanagi-san.

Chairman: Nothing like that, by the way, come back to me after that, I have a suggestion for you.

Standing up, Ayanokoji left the room. And having written to a friend, I went to meet him.

Ayanokoji pov.

There were 3 reasons to ask for a meeting with my friend.
1. Post one interesting video
2. Explain our relationship with her
3. To say goodbye to her, because maybe I won't see her again

I wrote to Hiyori and asked her for a meeting, to which she responded positively. A few minutes later I was waiting for her on a park bench. Soon she came, but she was depressed, for some reason my heart ached.

Ayanokoji: Hi Hiyori, is something bothering you?

Hiyori: Hi Ayanokoji-kun, I understand you were kicked out?

Ayanokoji: Yes Hiyori and this is our last meeting outside the walls of this school.

Hiyori: Ayanokoji-kun, will we meet after I graduate from this school? She asked with a plea in her voice.

Ayanokoji: Hiyori, before that I want to ask you something?

Hiyori: Yes Ayanokoji-kun?

Ayanokoji: Who am I to you, Shiina Hiyori?

Hiyori, not expecting such a question, began to think, and a blush appeared on her cheeks, which confused him a little. Hiyori decided that if not now, then never.

Hiyori: Ayanokoji is my first friend at this school, he is also the only friend who has the same hobby as me, I would not like to lose him. But over time, I started to feel some kind of attraction, I didn't know what it was until I read one novel. I think Ayanokoji-kun is a person I like. She said, by the end of her speech she was getting quieter and quieter, and when she finished she blushed like a tomato and waited for my answer, although I expected about this answer, it still surprised me.

Ayanokoji: Hiyori, I like you too. Ayanokoji said in his monotone voice.

Hiyori jumped up from her seat and started hugging Ayanokoji, which caught him off guard.

Hiyori: Ayanokoji...

Ayanokoji: Hiyori, then you can call me Kiyotaka.

Hiori: Kiyotaka, so what are you going to do next.

Kiyotaka: To be honest, I don't know, but I think everything will get better. I lied to her because I didn't want to see her sad.

Kiyotaka: But I have one request for you, can you fulfill it?

Hiyori: Anything is Kiyotaka for you.

Kiyotaka: Can you give this letter and the flash drive to Ryuen?

Hiyori: Yes Kiyotaka.

Ktetaka: And Hiyori can you give me your phone for a second?

Hiyori: Hold Kiyotaka.

Ayanokoji took Hiyori's phone, performed some actions and handed it back. What Hiyori turned her attention to was her score, which now totaled 9.540.000 points.

Hiyori: Kiyotaka, where did you get so many points and why did you give them to me?

Kiyotaka: Don't worry, all these points are clean and I got them for fulfilling one request. And I gave the glasses to you, because after my exclusion, these glasses will burn.

Hiyori: OK Kiyotaka and thank you. Suddenly, a blush flared up on her face.

Hiyori: Kiyotaka, can you bend over and close your eyes?

Ayanokoji, seeing nothing hostile in this, complied with her request and felt something soft on his cheek. He opened his eyes and saw Hiyori, who was standing there red as a tomato and steam was coming out of her ears on purpose.

After that, they said goodbye, Ayanokoji went to the chairman's office, and Hiyori handed the flash drive and the letter to Ryuen, who noticed the changes in Hiyori's behavior and said.

Ryuen: So you confessed to the monster?

Hiyori blushing deeply: Y-yes.

Ryuen: And as I understand it, he agreed, but what is this letter?

Hiyori calmed down a little: This was transmitted by Kiyotaka-kun

Ryuen, opened the letter, after reading it, began to laugh terribly, which bothered Hiyori.

Hiyori: Ryuen-kun are you okay?

Ryuen: Yes Hiyori, I just received a small request from the monster, which will benefit not only us, but also him.

Hiyori: So did you fulfill it? She asked with hope in her eyes.

Ryuen: Of course, how can I not fulfill your boyfriend's request. Ryuuen said with a smirk, at the same time Hiyori blushed.

A few hours after Ayanokoji's expulsion, two videos were sent around the school. Who shocked this school.

The first video consisted of Kushida cursing her entire class, Kushida falsely accusing Ayanokoji of rape and all Ayanokoji's movements in the shadows for a year. Class C, not expecting such revelations, began to accuse Kushida and each other of excluding such a capable student as Ayanokoji. Some of the students in the class knew that this would be inevitable. Their classroom was destroyed.

The second video was a clip consisting of all the immoral acts committed by Nagumo. And the next day his exclusion will be announced.
In the chairman's office.

Chairman: Oh Kiyotaka, are you done with your business?

Ayanokoji: Yes Sakayanagi-san, so why did you call me.

Chairman: You're kind of lucky to have been expelled today.

Ayanokoji: What do you mean Chairman?

Chairman: Starting tomorrow, I will be replaced by one of the White Room agents to exclude you, but since I am currently the chairman, I have two proposals for you.

Ayanokoji: Will I choose one of them after I've listened?

Chairman: The first suggestion is your transfer to another school, of course I will not be able to guarantee your safety there, but I will send your candidacy to many schools to hide your trail for a while.

This proposal had its pros and cons, such as the continuation of his school life, but also which could easily be cut short.

Chairman: The second suggestion, I will send you to one of my friends, he runs a fight ring, there you can replace your name and earn money to support your life, but you will have to fight and if you lose you will be kicked out or handed over to your father.

This proposal also had its pros and cons, such as the opportunity to live separately from his father and possible release from him, of the cons are constant battles, but Ayanokoji did not seem to be a significant minus.

Chairman: Well, what do you say Ayanokoji-kun?

I'll leave the choice up to you, the school will be the school where Baky is located.I'll wait a couple of days, then the selected option will appear here.

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