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Ella stood behind the trees, peeking out at the little farmhouse. "If Krifton doesn't hurry up and get over here..." Trixell growled from behind her. "I'll kill him myself."

"Trixy," Ella sighed, turning to face her sister. "Do we have to do this? Surely there's another way to lure Niguidara to us. One that's less messier too."

"You're not cowering out on us," Trixell demanded, glaring at her sister. "Are you?"

"Of course not," Ella retorted. "I just don't understand why we have to do this if there are other ways."

"You don't have to understand," Trixell said darkly, glaring at her twin. Ella looked back unflinchingly, and knew she had to tread carefully. "You just have to obey his orders and remember your place. It's for the best, Ella, you'll see."

"I hope you haven't started the party without me," Krifton called, coming up behind the sisters. "I'd hate to see this particular mission go downhill."

"You just better keep your behavior in check," Ella said curtly, crossing her arms and taking a step away from him instinctively.

"Yes," Trixell agreed. "This is a grab and go mission; not a rendezvous."

"Fine," Krifton groaned, glaring at the two sisters briefly. He knew better than to antagonize them, though, as the twins could easily combine their powers and he'd be in some deep fodder. "Are you going to transform my look a bit."

"There's no need," Trixell replied, a smile crossing her lips. "We're taking her back to the castle anyway; no need to continue the façade that you're not one of us once she's at the base."

"Finally," Krifton growled, a devious smirk crossing his lips. "It's about time she sees me in my true form."

"Oh, give it a rest, Krifton," Trixell scoffed. "I only changed your eye color back to what it originally was before you joined us. Our fiery-amber colored eyes give us away too easily."

"Quiet," Ella hissed, peering through the bushes as she heard their quarry call out. She motioned her comrades forward, and they peeked out as well. Their target held a knife in her hand, but Ella took care of that easily with her telekinesis. This is when she turned her back as Krifton charged from their hiding spot. There was a loud scream, the sound of people scuffling and things breaking; grunts, groans, and cries of pain as the fight continued.

A loud roar sounded above her, and she looked to see their target's dragon flying to the rescue. "You're too late, dragon," she muttered, calling upon her own dragon to help with the situation.


"Why would Morgana lie to us?" Khila asked as they called their dragons back.

"I don't know," Leila replied, shaking her head. "We're not exactly close; but I don't see a reason why she would lie."

"Is she protecting someone?" Khila asked thoughtfully. "Any family."

"Arthur is her family," Leila said. "But, she also has a half-sister; another powerful sorceress. However, she also hates Arthur, so I don't see why they would team up. Come to think of it, though, how did the Camelot Knights know we were at the mountain?"

Khila shrugged. "Pure luck? Coincidence?"

"Do you seriously believe in coincidences?" Leila asked, looking at her friend.

Dragon Witch: Shadow of the past (NaNoWriMo15)Where stories live. Discover now