12. "Baby?"

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Bradley shook off the thought of Nova and how weird she was acting as he walked in the classroom. She had given him a look that showed she was up to something. What it was, he had no clue. The group of aviators start to converse with each other, playfully bickering as they talked about this mission.

Nova then walked into the room accompanied by Simpson, Bates, and Hondo. The four of them held serious expressions, only Nova's faltered into a smirk when she met eyes with Rooster. He read her expression, and his showed pure confusion. That's when he noticed Maverick wasn't there, and he started to actually get worried.

"Captain Mitchell is no longer your instructor." Admiral Simpson takes a stand at the front of the classroom. "As of today, there are new mission parameters. Time to target is now four minutes. You'll be entering the valley level at reduced speed, not to exceed 420 knots" He announces.

"Sir, won't we be giving their planes time to intercept?" Bob asks.

"Well, lieutenant, you have a fighting chance against enemy aircraft. What are the odds of surviving a head in collision with a mountain?"

"Probably higher than surviving being surrounded by enemy aircraft going over 200 knots slower than you should be, sir." Nova answers the rhetorical question, harshly being glared at my the admiral.

"Ms. Mitchell, we've listened to you attack plan. We're trying to hit our target here, if you would please keep your opinions to yourself." Simpson tells her.

"You'll be attacking the target at a higher altitude, level with the north wall." He continues. "Gonna be a little harder to keep your laser on target, but you will avoid the high G climb out.

Even Bate's face shows a look of pure doubt in this mission plan. He knows it's a death mission, all of them do.

"We'll be sitting ducks for enemy aircraft." Fanboy whispers to Payback.

The group of aviators start to bask in the fact that half of them will definable die on this mission, until they hear a loud beeping sound come from the monitor.

"What the hell is that?" Simpson turns to face the screen.

"Maverick to range control. Entering point Alpha. Confirm green range." Maverick's voice plays through the speakers.

Nova has a wide smirk settled on her face, feeling proud that her father listened to her. Maybe she could help these pilots survive after all. Hondo's head whips around as he gives her a wide eyed look, but the girl just shrugs cluelessly. He sees right through her though, and so does Rooster. With her looking back at him, he shifts his glance back and forth between her and the screen, shocked at what's going on. He knew the Mitchell's were crazy, but not stealing government owned aircraft crazy.

"Maverick, range control, uh, green range is confirmed. I don't see an event scheduled for you, sir." Range Control answers his request.

"Well...I'm going anyway." He says, diving his plane to a lower altitude. "Setting time to target two minutes, fifteen seconds."

Nova's, and everyone's, eyes widen. She knew he'd be flying the course, but she did not expect the lower timer at all.

"2.15, that's impossible." Payback states to himself.

"Final attack point. Mavericks inbound." He pulls the throttle, flipping over the imaginary cannon as the pilots watch eagerly.

Everyone is on the edge of their seat as they watch the little plane travel over the screen. "Popping. Three, two, one." Maverick somehow manages to hit the target, and complete the course successfully in only two minutes, pulling 10 Gs. The group of aviators are solely impressed by his skill and ability to complete the course that quickly, even Rooster is excited for him.

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