Welcome, Stolen Soul

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"Finding Arlexia's Light is a solid otome game, but I didn't like that last ending; the reverse harem ending. Anyone else? Like, the shopkeeper went from some robbed guy to a titled noblewoman, Lucina. There were so many plot changes that it felt like a different game. Plus, there wasn't an epilogue like the routes where you pick only one male capture target. Kinda feels incomplete. Would someone change that? All we got was the villainess Olivia being enslaved instead of killed like the other routes, she's sold to Lucina the shopkeeper, and then it fades to credits. Can someone make what happens next? I hope the true ending isn't as sad as the normal route ones. Can someone create a better ending?" 

-review of "Finding Arlexia's Light" by Th3_Big_Z




"Please help us."


Cicadas sang from the trees that dotted one of the cemeteries in Kujukuri, Japan while the sun was just starting to set and paint the sky red and orange. Three high school girls entered the cemetery, one of them held a bouquet of flowers and continued ahead while the other two waited a respectful distance back. The lone girl stopped in front of one of the graves and, after cleaning it off, placed down her bouquet and lit some incense.

"I'm back, Mom. It's Ayaka," the girl spoke while kneeling down in front of the grave. "I'm sorry I haven't been visiting as much recently. I was voted captain of the track team so I've been swamped with work and extra practice. Not to mention Sato-chan only just started doing the summer homework and has roped Hayashi-san and me into helping her finish it." Ayaka gave a bittersweet chuckle as she reported the latest happenings of her life to the grave. "Sato-chan's mom also reminded me that she'd never kick me out, even after I graduate, so you can rest assured I'm being taken care of. She always mentions that when she knows I'm coming down here so I can tell you not to worry about me." She waited in silence for a minute to allow her words to reach her mother. "Do you remember when I told you about Hayashi-san running for student council president? She won! When the results of the vote were shown she put on her stoic face for her speech, but as soon as we were alone she broke down in tears of joy. Sato-chan and I spent an hour getting her to calm down. Oh! Tanaka-kun and I went on another date to the amusement park! He's gotten even more muscul-...Ahem!" Ayaka cleared her throat as she suddenly got embarrassed over gushing about her boyfriend and muscle fetish to the grave.

"..." The wind gently brushed against Ayaka's long black hair, and some distant wind chimes sang a song.

"Yeah, it was a great time. I'm glad our feelings found each other's hearts. He also sends his blessings." Ayaka parsed her lips and paused. She didn't want to talk about the next thing to mention but also didn't want to leave her mother in the dark about it. "...They found Dad."

"..." The wind stopped and the chimes fell silent.

"The police down in Fukuoka got reports of a raving homeless man causing a disturbance outside a hotel. Apparently, Dad's mistress found someone new, took everything, and ran...just like they did to us." Ayaka's teeth clenched and her fingers wouldn't stop fidgeting. She fought off tears and steadied her breathing. "I...still don't know if I'm going down to see him. Sato-chan and Hayashi-san both say I shouldn't, but... I don't like leaving things like this."

"..." The wind picked up again, but more gently this time.

"Next time, I'll tell you my decision." Ayaka put her hands together and gave one last prayer before standing and returning to her friends.

"You good, Fukuda-chan?" Sato asked when she saw Ayaka's eyes holding back tears.

"Yeah," Ayaka said after taking a deep breath. "Let's head back."

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