Roots of Routes

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"Lucina? Wake up," my mother's voice danced through my ears and I cracked open my eyes. I had passed out from crying so much and slept through the journey. My body was sore, but the pain had subsided to only be a dull ache. Gentle fingers ran through my hair as my mother softly jostled me. "We're here." She moved with me still in her arms to the window of the carriage and pointed outside. Down the road from us, gleaming in the setting sun's light, were massive stone walls with towers dotting their way around the perimeter. Banners with the symbol of a blue hawk holding yellow wheat in its talons, the crest of house Ordrin, flapped from atop the towers. "Unlike us, the Duke lives in a castle along with his order of knights. And, instead of a mansion, they live in a beautiful keep."

"A keep?" My eyes were fixed on the walls of stone that we were slowly encroaching upon.

"Yes," my mother loved teaching me things and was enjoying my renewed curiosity, "It's like a giant mansion made of stone and brick giving it the luxury of a home and the same sturdiness of the castle walls that surround it. It needs to be that big in case an enemy attacks Wortrest." My mother motioned for me to look back down the road from where we came from and I saw a sprawling town was sitting peacefully down the hill we were ascending.

"So, is the town Wortrest, or the castle?" I liked seeing Mom excited to teach me.

"Both," she chuckled and stroked my hair affectionately. "The castle was built because of the tall hill we're riding up, and people flocked to it because of the rich soil and convenience of the nearby Helker River that weaves across the kingdom making it the capital of the Holst Duchy. As a show of unity, the founder of the Ordrin family proclaimed that both the castle and town would be called Wortrest as a declaration to all that both were under his family's protection. However, most people will refer to the town when talking about Wortrest since it's easier to get into town than into the castle. And-" My mother abruptly cut herself off and looked ahead. The carriage slowed down and stopped. When I turned to look at what was going on, a knight on horseback trotted up to the window of the carriage. They wore chainmail and leathers, a sword jostled in its sheath on his waist belt, and he had on his great helm, but they didn't wear any plate mail like in the pictures my mother had shown me of knights. They also wore a tabard that depicted the Ordrin's crest.

"Hail, Countess Felswore," the knight greeted and bowed from his horse.

"I apologize for the inconvenience of my sudden arrival, Sir Thomas," It seemed like my mother knew the knight from just his voice as she greeted them with a smile on her face.

"It is no inconvenience at all, Countess, as we were expecting you."

"You were?" My mother gave the knight a confused look and held me closer to her chest.

"Yes, the Duchess received a letter just a few hours ago," Thomas explained to alleviate my mother's obvious concern. "It stated you and your daughter would be visiting for a few days in the near future but didn't give an exact date; though I don't think anyone expected you to come the same day as the letter. In either case, I've been ordered to be on the lookout for your carriage and escort you inside whenever you arrive."

"But, I never sent a letter."

"It was signed by your young Lord."

"...Ah, I see." My mother's voice shook despite her best efforts to put on a composed front for the knight. "I'm truly blessed by Lady Alm with a caring son."

"And with a lovely daughter, too," Thomas added as his helmet turned to look at me. "Greetings, young Lady, I am Sir Thomas of the Order of the Azure Hawk." He didn't sound condescending as he spoke, and even if I couldn't see his face because of the helmet I could feel the gentle smile he was giving me.

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