Spite in False Love

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"Please wait here for the physician," the servant said before giving a bow and leaving the room. Adam and I were left alone in the room so I walked over and sat down on one of the sofas. My cheek still stung, which was annoying, but it was a small price to pay to get some brownie points with Olivia when she comes to find me.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Adam walked over and cupped my cheek in his hand to begin examining it.

"Of course it does," I replied while adjusting my head to give him a better look. "I just got slapped by a future royal guard."

"Then why are you so happy about it?"

"..." I guess I was smiling too much to the point Adam couldn't ignore it. I turned my head back to face Adam to see there was an apprehensive look in his eyes as he looked down at me and I could detect some dissatisfaction from how gently he was rubbing my cheek. "Because a slap to the face is nothing compared to what comes next." I gave him a warm smile to try and alleviate his concerns.

"What comes-?" As Adam tried to ask his question, we both heard a commotion start to approach our room from outside the doors. "So," Adam realized when the voices got close enough for us to recognize, "This was your plan."

"Lucina!?" Olivia threw open the doors to our room and rushed inside while being flanked by Mary who had joined Olivia a few days after her arrival at the capital, another maid I didn't recognize, and a man who was holding a doctor's bag. The news certainly traveled fast in the royal palace. As soon as she saw me, Olivia hyper-focused on my red cheek and hurried to my side. "Check her!" Olivia shot a glare back to the physician.

"O-Of course, Crown Princess," the physician stammered before quickly giving me a check-up. I knew it wasn't that bad and wouldn't take long, but a simple check took ten minutes because the physician couldn't concentrate while Olivia stared holes into the back of his head. "While it will sting for a while, her jaw is perfectly fine and there isn't any danger," he tried to placate Olivia.

"...Thank you, you may leave."

"At once, Crown Princess." The physician happily accepted the out and quickly left the room.

"Fucking brute," Olivia muttered as she inspected my cheek with great care to not touch me so it wouldn't hurt.

"Crown Princess!?" the unknown maid exclaimed as she moved to chastise Olivia. "Please hold your demeanor to a higher degree, especially in front of your subjects!" She sent an uneasy look to Adam as if she were looking down on him for being here to hear Olivia's vulgarity. Mary looked like she was holding herself back from reprimanding the maid.

"Adam Felswore greets the Crown Princess, Her Highness Olivia Ordrin," Adam gave a perfectly practiced greeting.

"Did you come with the Count?" Olivia asked while looking over her shoulder at my brother.

"Yes, my father is currently in a meeting about next year's harvest prices and distribution."

"Then you may return and wait for him, I will stay with Lucina."

"Thank you for your generosity, Her Highness." Adam trusted Olivia to keep her word and felt safe leaving me with her, so he exited the room to return to the main hall and wait for the Count to finish his meeting.

"Crown Princess?" This unknown maid seemed to be full of hot air and was desperate to make it known. "You have etiquette lessons this afternoon that we must get you ready for. I will ask a servant to stay with the young Lady in your stead, so please-"

"Then perhaps we should also schedule some etiquette lessons for my brother, as well," Olivia cut off the maid and sent her a glare that forced her mouth shut. "After all, how can the royal family possibly rest easy knowing their guards go around attacking children? Unless you're saying it's proper etiquette to allow my subordinates to harass and assault people as if I were the boss of a slum gang?"

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