Three Days

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I remember it like it was yesterday the first time Alex broke my heart and took the pieces with him because I thought it was so ironic. It was the 6th of November the day Alex walked out on me. It was the same month when our story began so long ago, how ironic and poetic is that?! Just thinking about it makes me scoff and bitterly laugh. It was about a week later when he broke my heart for the second time that month.

It was the day after Caroline started picking up my broken pieces I grabbed my phone determined to re-enter society. I had a million notifications on my phone from instagram and messages. There was a lot of chatter in the Emerald Club group text but I didn't feel quite ready for them yet since I know everyone was bound to know about me and Alex by now. I decided Instagram was safer now. Oh boy was I wrong! The first thing I see on my feed is a picture of Vinny with Alex and the bitch all smiling happily. I look under the picture to the caption "Congrats to my favorite couple". What the actual fuck! I kept scrolling until I see a picture from Alex's profile. I felt all the air leave my lungs at that moment. It was a picture of his hand holding her showing off the ring on her finger. An engagement announcement, the very one we never got to have. Thinking it was a sick joke I closed instagram and went to the group text where I hoped all the stars would get a million messages saying it was a cruel joke. Again oh boy how wrong I was! The whole chat was lit up in conversation about how everyone was so excited about their engagement and Alex thanking every message separately as if he was trying to slowly kill and bury me with every thank you he typed. By then I can barely breathe, all I know is that my vision is blurring, I don't know if its because of tears or lack of air but I must have been hyperventilating because the next second I see Caroline in front of my rubbing my cheeks and moving her mouth but I can't hear what she's saying. Slowly after what felt like hours of staring at her face I started hearing her voice in the distance. All of the sudden I can hear her clearly.

"Breathe Sel, that's it in and out. Come on again IN and OUT. Good keep going"

Once I was able to calm my breathing, "what happened?" Care asked carefully but I couldn't for the life of me speak yet so I shoved my phone in front of her. Her eyes widened, she took sharp breath in and I could clearly see the anger in her eyes but she blew the air out of her nose and looked at me. Instead of the anger that was just seconds ago there I saw determination.

"Come on let's shower and get dressed. We are going out for brunch, then we are buying provisions. I'll call Tony and let him know I'll be staying here with you for the next three days."

"That's an only specific amount of days Care" I couldn't help but softly laugh.

"yeah THREE DAYS that's all you'll get. I understand you need to mourn your relationship with Alex but he is clearly not. So I'm going to tell you the same thing you told me once Sel. You get THREE DAYS to mope, mourn, throw a pity party and feel like shit; but the morning after you are going to pick yourself up and you're going to keep moving. Just because life feels like it just ended for you, the rest of the world is still turning and now one out there is going to give a shit and they'll keep living and the world will continue turning so will you."

"Damn, the fuck did I pull that out of my ass from?" I laughed incredulously at her.

"Idk must have been something Carrie Bradshaw said at the end of one of the Sex and the City episodes or maybe your mom or grandma said it at some point or it's one of those great advice you give everyone but yourself but it helped me and now it'll help you" she laughed back

"hmmm it does sound like a Carrie line.. " I continued laughing

"yeah it really does, it also sounds like a you line Selene"

"I guess. Wherever it came from you are right or I guess I'm right. Alex Clearly is not suffering so why should I be" I felt more determined now.

"Let's get ready I can't wait to get this depression party going and then moving the fuck on"

"Atta girl, lets go"

And so we did, I had my three days with Caroline and then I spent Thanksgiving with my parents and one of my aunts and her family in the states and everything was slowly getting better. 

AN: I want to take this chance to thank all the real best friends, the ones that pick us up when we fall and instead of judging us or saying I told you so ; they pick up the pieces and fix your broken heart. This song is for all of you!!! THANK YOU BESTIE!

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