The Beginning of the End

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That year was an amazing one like any relationship ours had its ups and downs especially as it got more serious. My parents didn't necessarily like Alex all that much, especially my father. That definitely puts some strain on the relationship. I was a complete Daddy's girl, he would say jump and not only would I ask how high but I would jump multiple times just to make sure I got it right. As you can imagine this was certainly something Alex didn't like and was very vocal about his dislike.

As any relationship we had blissful days where we absolutely loved each other and days where we picked fights about everything. Our most repeated fights recently are about him barely having any time to spend with me due to his work (which I was supportive about but still resented the time away) and his extreme dislike regarding my shoe collection.

Alex says that the fact that I have so many pairs of the same shoe (they were all different colors mind you) and the fact that they weren't cheap makes him believe we don't have the same core values because we clearly see matters of money differently. I understand what he means and I've tried talking to him about it and I've tried time and time again to defend myself but he doesn't seem to want to understand. I can tell him a million times that I finally found a heel that's comfortable and appropriate for every occasion (work or social) and that I take advantage of it and buy it in different colors when I can and he will a million times answer back that one person doesn't need that many shoes that it's not really a matter of necessity but of whim and extravagance.

Besides petty fights we were a good match for each other, I opened his horizons of the world and social life and he opened my horizons sexually. Alex has really helped me explore my sexuality, what I like or don't like, what I'm comfortable with and where I draw the line and he has done it making me feel absolutely safe. Something up to this date I'm very grateful to him for.

One fateful day in June was supposed to mark the happiest day of my life, it was the day Alex proposed to me and promised to love me always & forever. This moment of bliss was short lived because my parents were obviously against it instantly, the pressure of this and the fact we may have had to leave to the states for Alex's job and I wasn't done with school yet hindered our happy engagement. We decided to just bask in the happiness of it by ourselves in order to keep out anything else that might damp our engagement and that when we figured out what we were finally going to do we would tell everyone. This went on for a few months until Alex had to leave for a month for training. We were able to talk from time to time but mostly it was radio silence.

During this time my best friends would keep me company. My childhood best friend Caroline and her boyfriend would stay over in the extra room of the apartment from time to time to keep me company and Vinny made sure to hang out with me at least 3 times a week to keep me occupied. Even though they were my best friends I hadn't shared the "happy" news with any of them as Alex and I had decided we would tell them together after he came back. I truly believe maybe everything that happened next could've been avoided if we had at least tol Vinny before leaving.

One day at my apartment while we were cooking together Vinny's snapchat kept blowing up.

"Hey you have a lady friend you haven't told me about or what?" I elbowed Vinny jokingly.

"What are you talking about woman" he laughed

"Well your snapchat notifications keep blowing up so it must be a girl"

"Yeah its a girl but its not for me, its this friend of a friend who keeps trying to get me to introduce her to Alex"

"What?! Obviously you are not gonna do that right? I mean you are my best friend, you got my back right?"

"Yeah of course but I'm also Alexs' best friend and have been for longer than you've ever been in his life and well I see no harm in introducing them" he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Are you kidding?! He is with me and you want to introduce him to another woman? Am I hearing this correctly?"

"Don't be so dramatic honestly no harm no foul, he has female friends you know like Alice, what if she turns into his new best friend"

"Riiight because a girl insisting a random guy to introduce her to a guy definitely just wants to become their bff and nothing more." I was starting to get frustrated that Vinny wasn't really caring about my feelings in this.

"Honestly I don't understand who you cant see how messed up this is"

"I don't understand why YOU are making a big deal out of this Selene"

"WOW who are you right now"

This was definitely the beginning of the end for Vinny's and my friendship and subsequently the beginning of the end of Alex and I, since I would come to learn in a few months that Alex has been in a secret relationship with this woman from snapchat Vinny introduced him to for three months. 

AN: so sorry it has been so long since I updated this story but a lot has gone on in my life this past year or so, but im back now and have a few chapters written up so I will be updating soon! Thank you for sticking to this story! Let me know what you think! 

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