2. Antlia

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Antlia: The Air Pump Constellation

Antlia is a small and faint constellation in the southern sky. Visible in the months around February, it contains only four stars brighter than fifth magnitude.

Despite lying close to the plane of the Milky Way, it contains few deep sky objects of interest – only faint galaxies, none of which exceed eleventh magnitude.

The name ‘Antlia’ is Latin for ‘air pump’ – a piece of apparatus that led to many discoveries about the properties of gases in the eighteenth century. The name was given to this sky area by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1756.

Although visible to the Ancient Greeks, Antlia’s stars were too faint to have been included in any ancient constellations. The stars that now comprise Antlia lay within an area of the sky covered by the ancient constellation Argo Navis, the Ship of the Argonauts.


The crowd complimented each other,
Many faked insecurities to get another,
Amidst the chaotic season of positive showers,
I stood there with no gain and powers.

Even though my words flooded my heart for me,
There was a huge space for another one's compliments free,
I guess no one knows about the rent-free space,
That they unknowingly made me look like a disgrace.

Maybe God wants me to endure while in the teenage phase,
I conclude this was just a test or practice for the future race,
Still, my heart bleeds for at least a small good,
Don't I deserve one compliment to enhance my mood?

There were a billion times I looked phlegmatic,
Many know I'm confused with compliment thematic,
Only I know it's because I've received none,
My teenage heart, mind, and soul crave badly for one.

Happiness brimmed to the rim as elders praised,
Some kind of yearning was there for same-age grace.
I think it's the generation gap issues,
That I want my age group approval never outgrew.

Been a part of many social groups amongst them,
Had joined in for craziness and fun with no problem,
They complimented new ones who joined in,
Also the rest who weren't me for more than a minute.

Had helped out a lot with wanting love in return,
Received more than uncountable heartburns,
Maybe they don't know they've hurt me,
For them, I'm always unbothered and free.

I should show my insecurities, it seems,
But later on, I realized it wasn't a need or a redeem,
It was just a humane want as a greed,
I decided I can water my own plants without this seed.

Now I'm numb to the core with no pure intention,
Let me rephrase it by saying I've selfish intentions.
I give out zero unwanted compliments nowadays,
I know I'll give compliments to what I like every day.



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