5. Aquila

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Aquila: The Majestic Eagle of the Night Sky

Aquila means “eagle” in Latin. In the earlier days, Ptolemy included it in his list of 48 Greek constellations. Now, the Aquila Constellation remains one of the 88 modern constellations that enchants our night sky. It was known as the giant bird of Zeus in Greek mythology (Roman: Jupiter). Some accounts say that it was the creation of Gaia.

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) ranks the Aquila Constellation as the 22nd largest modern constellation. Lying near the celestial equator, it occupies an area of 652 square degrees. Three of its stars are brighter than the third magnitude. Its brightest member, Altair, shines with an apparent magnitude of 0.76. It is part of an asterism called the Summer Triangle. Exoplanets were also discovered around some of Aquia’s stars.

The Milky Way passes within the borders of Aquila. Because of that, there are many interesting deep-sky objects in this constellation. It includes the Glowing Eye Nebula, the Phantom Streak Nebula, several star clusters, galaxies, and the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall. Several meteor showers have their radiants in this constellation.

𓈒 𓂃  ˖ 𓇬 ˖  𓂃 𓈒

Never thought we'd have a special bond,
Never thought I'd be a mother to your innocent heart,
Never thought my sister's child would be mine,
Never thought my sister would be the worst mother.

I always thought you'd be my little nephew,
Spoiling you with whatever I have with no additional strings,
Never really caring about you for anything,
Treating me like a teenage aunt who doesn't care.

But God really wrote a heartfelt novel for us,
I was there for you when you cried out of hunger,
Made sure you were full rather than filling my own,
Thanking God to see you alive every second.

Everyone said you survived because of your luck,
They don't know that there are people praying for you,
You're a beautiful and innocent miracle to us,
Even if your parents consider you a burden.

There are a million different ways to be a mother,
But not all of them begin with giving birth,
I became a teen mother for you as you craved,
We're too young for this world, but I'll sacrifice.

You just assumed and referred to me with the title,
Can't deny knowing your situation and you,
Every time you call me 'mom' with your big bright eyes,
My heart clenches for your reaction after the truth unveils.

We all spent many hours teaching you to call me 'aunt,'
But you never cared about it and still call me mom,
Fear grips my heart to see your reaction,
When you realize our family structure.

When your parents didn't give you food,
When they didn't change your dirty week-old diaper,
When they hit you when you asked them for food,
It was my heart, beating with determination.

I was 14 when you first opened your eyes,
That was the day God wrote a special book for us,
You never accepted bottles from others,
Since birth, you always had me in your tiny heart.

To not let you face it, I suffered from an eating disorder,
You were my first priority without even my knowledge,
You changed my whole life and attitude,
Can't even imagine a life without you in it.

I wish you'll never hear what your parents are saying,
You deserve more than that, and we know it,
You are more mature than everyone out there,
You will lead a happy life, and I'll make sure.

Spent lots of secret moments away from them,
Had to feed you in secret, afraid of your mother,
You were a master at secrecy since months old,
Managed to grab you out of malnourishment.

Seeing other kids made my eyes brim with tears,
You never enjoyed your life as a toddler,
You were so controlled and forced by your parents,
But you were yourself while staying with me.

Your maturity made me proud and vulnerable,
A toddler should be having fun and being crazy,
But you act as our elder and help everyone,
You love seeing everyone smile even if you're sad.

It's been two years since you entered our life,
My whole life changed drastically with your entry,
You were never my nephew but my son,
To you, I was never your aunt but your mother.

𓈒 𓂃  ˖ 𓇬 ˖  𓂃 𓈒

In the constellation of life, their relationship formed a celestial bond unlike any other

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In the constellation of life, their relationship formed a celestial bond unlike any other. She, a guiding star in her nephew's universe, became his nurturing mother figure. Their connection, forged by circumstances but bound by love, radiated warmth and light through the darkest of nights. She was his protector, the constant presence in his ever-changing sky, and he, the innocent comet, drew strength from her orbit. Together, they journeyed through the cosmos of adversity, their hearts aligned in a cosmic dance of resilience and affection. In this unique constellation, the child found not only a mother but also a guardian star, forever illuminating the path towards a brighter, loving universe.


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