Helmet Design for Monaco

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"How do you feel about your home race?" Zara asked and she took a sip from her coffee

"I am nervous to be honest! You know my dream is to win here and I want to achieve that" Charles replied smiling

"So... have you thought something for the helmet?" Zara asked taking her pencil and notebook from her bag

"I want something connected to Monaco" Charles said smiling

"It can be something like..." Zara drew a helmet "Half while and half red" She grabbed her colour pencils "Some red details?"

"I have no idea! I am trusting you!" Charles replied laughing

"We can connect them with your number" Zara drew a big 16 "From the down side will be coloured red and from the up side will be coloured white"

"It's beautiful!" Charles said smiling

Zara drew the up side of the helmet

"I was thinking about two lines a white and a red writing Monaco 2022, from the red side Monaco with white colours and from the white side 2022 with red letters!" Zara looked at Charles

"Can I ask you something but please don't make fun of me?" Charles asked laughing "My favourite movie right now is Light Year by Disney Pixar"

Zara giggled

"Good! We can wright that..." Zara looked at the helmet "Here! On the back side of the up part!"

Zara wrote it

"Can you draw triple line?" Charles asked and the Emirate girl did that "Good!"

"We can draw and that like around Monaco 2022" Zara did that

"Absolutely wonderful!" Charles said and the girl looked at him "what?" He asked laughing

"You haven't said a singe no!" Zara giggled

"We have the same taste Zara!" Charles winked at her and he looked at the helmet "I am trusting you! You are my wife after all!"

"Don't do that Charles!" Zara said laughing and she blushed

"I need to know what she is talking about" Arthur said curiously

"We got married in the kindergarten" Zara replied with her dark colour cheeks becoming red

"Ow! That's cute!" Arthur said smiling

"With paper rings" Charles added "I have it in my pocket!"

Charles took out his pocket and he show Zara the paper ring

"Oh my god!" The Emirate girl said smiling "I have it mine in my  pocket as well"

Zara opened her Dior pocket and she show Charles the paper ring

"Taylor Swift wrote the song about us!" Charles said smiling

"Definitely!" Zara placed it back to her pocket and she looked at her notebook "Can I?" She asked pointing to draw something

"Of course ma chérie!" Charles said smiling and Zara drew a curved line with two small lines in the middle "Like that!"

Zara turned to the front part of the helmet

"I think..." the girl drew the flag of Monaco vertically

"Here will be a sponsor" Charles said pointing down of the flag

"We can draw that line and it looks like a light!" Zara drew and Charles smiled at her

"I think it's alright" Charles replied "It looks good"

"Wait!" Zara drew a line started from the back and comes until the line before the sponsor "I want something else!"

Zara drew vertically a big flag of Monaco on the back of the helmet and she drew the letters C L

"Much better" Charles nodded "I like it!"

"I need the sponsors so we can print them in the helmet" Zara said drawing the Scuderia Ferrari logo on the forehead of the helmet

"I need your phone number to send them" Charles said

"Give me your phone" Zara said and Charles gave her his phone, she made a call to her number and gave it back to Charles

"Good wait to save you..." Charles saved her as ma chérie❤️

"Why you don't come and stay in my apartment? I live alone and I would love host you" Charles said smiling "Please!"

"You are such the same person..." Zara giggled "Thank you"

"Yes!" Charles said happy

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