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Carla told Zara what to say to Charles to make him accept what he hides

"Hello babe" Zara kissed Charles that he just ended the meeting after his Free Practice

"Hey mon chérie!" Charles said smiling at her

"Do you any meetings today or should I ask have a date in our room with pizza and beers?" Zara asked laughing

"Unfortunately I can't!" Charles sighed "we have long time meeting"


Carlos told them that they won't have a late night meeting because Mattia wants them relaxed for the qualifying

"Good, I'll leave you then. I will go back to the hotel with Isa" Zara kissed Charles

"Sleep don't wait for me" Charles winked at her

"Good Night" Zara walked to the parking lot to go in the hotel with Isa

A few hours later Zara was alone in her hotel alone, Charles came around 2

"I told you sleep" Charles said and he kissed her forehead "how are you?"

"Good! I had so much fun with Isa!" Zara said smiling "Yes and Isa called me telling that Carlos was tired as well"

"Carlos?" Charles asked confused "My teammate?"

"Yes Charlie! Do you know someone else calling Carlos?" Zara asked laughing "I will sleep now"

"Yeah me too, I'll have a shower and I'll come back to you" Charles walked in the bathroom and Zara grabbed her phone to call Carla

"I told him what we said" Zara said proudly

"Good! So I talked with my friend about the bracelet you like and she said that she'll give it to me when we'll go back to Monaco! So I have a plan about that as well" Carla said wickedly


The next morning Zara was with Kelly and P, the Emirati girl explained to her Brazilian friend about what happened with Charles

"You sure that this will work and he won't be mad?" Kelly asked

"I am the one that has to be mad, Kelly!" Zara said "He lies to me! He never had meetings! Maybe he's cheating on me!"

"Charles? Cheating and especially you? No!" Kelly disagreed with her friend "Absolutely no!"

Zara smiled a bit

"What's the next plan?" Kelly asked smiling

Zara smiled more

A few minutes later the girls, including Isa and Carla, were a bit away from the garages, as the boys started walking to them Zara placed her phone to her ear

"He really did that?" Zara asked "Oh he is such a forgetful!"

Zara turned to Charles

"It's the woman from the receptionist of our hotel! She said that you forgot your AirPods during the meeting!" Zara said to Charles, the Emirati girl took the AirPods from him to make it more convenient to her

"Me?" Charles asked confused "but they are" he placed his hand on his pocket to grab them "They are not"

"Yes I will come and take them don't worry! Yes see you!" Zara hanged up and she smiled

"How does she know that they are Charles' AirPods?" Max asked curious, he knew something

"I decorated their cases and they are writing his name and number" Zara replied proudly "I will go back to the hotel"

"Yes let's go together, Arthur will drive us" Carla said

"Bye bebé" Zara kissed Charles' cheek "Be careful"

In the hotel room Zara was with Isa and Carla

"Max knows something" Zara said and she sighed "but he always is too careful!"

"What we have to do now?" Carla asked "keep the plan?"

"Yes! Absolutely yes! I asked him and he said that he'll go in Italy on Tuesday I also talked to Isa and she told that Mattia gave the drivers some days off until Austin" Zara answered "I am so mad at him that I could kill him!"

Meanwhile in Ferrari Meeting

"That's for today, go to your hotel rooms and get some sleep" Mattia said and they all stood up

Charles and Carlos walked out of the room together

"I didn't want talk because Zara was there" Carlos sighed "We didn't have any meeting last night"

"I know and I don't know how I lost my AirPods to a room that I have never been!" Charles said confused

"What did you do last night Charles?" Carlos asked

"I was with Charlotte" Charles replied guilty "Like when I lied about Italy"

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