A step before psychiatric clinic

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On Tuesday Zara was in Monaco and Charles in Italy for the meeting, Carlos was in Madrid with Isa

After the end of her work Zara drove herself to Carla's apartment, Arthur would be out with some friends so it was the perfect time talk with Carla, Lorenzo's girlfriend would be there as well

"Hello!" Zara said walking in the living room and giving a hug to Charlotte

"Hey!" The Belgian-German-Italian girl answered and Zara sat next to her

"I have your bracelet" Carla walked in the bedroom to take the bracelet and she came back holding it inside the box "Here you are!"

Zara opened the box looking the bracelet it was absolutely gorgeous

"Your friend is doing so amazing jewelleries!" Zara said looking at it "And we can use it against Charles so good!"

"When he comes back from Italy?" Charlotte asked

"Tomorrow night, we all will be to Pascale's for dinner!" Zara answered "And for so much fun!"


The next night Zara was to Pascale's apartment in the kitchen helping her with Charlotte and Carla for the dinner

Lorenzo and Arthur were alone in the living room taking

"We'll go and take Charles from the airport" Arthur said "He doesn't have to get tired by getting Uber"

"What? No! Now he's on his way here!" Lorenzo said nervously

"I don't care! We are going to take him!" Arthur said

"No! We won't!" Lorenzo replied

"Is there something I need to know?" Arthur asked curious

Lorenzo looked around and he sat closer to his brother

"He's not in Italy" Lorenzo said

"And where is he?" Arthur asked

"Casino Hotel, last night he had dinner with Charlotte" Lorenzo said and Arthur rolled his eyes "She hasn't talk to her parents yet about the break up from Charles and he has to be the boyfriend"

"And Zara doesn't know anything?!" Arthur asked in shock

"That's why the long night meeting and when he left Zara alone in the restaurant and Carla go to make her some company" Lorenzo said "just don't say a word!"

"Poor Zara" Arthur sighed

Charles was there a few minutes later, when they heard the door all the girls walked from the kitchen to the living room

"Mon chérie!" Charles hugged Zara

"Hello Charlie" Zara said smiling and Charles kissed her lips quickly "Had fun in Italy?"

"Yes we had!" Charles said laughing

"As much fun he could have with the meetings!" Pascale said laughing "Lorenzo, Arthur help your brother with his suitcase"

"No I will take this to the bedroom" Zara grabbed the suitcase placing it in the bedroom

The Emirati girl opened it and Carla gave her the box with the bracelet

"You sure this will be good?" Charlotte asked and Zara placed the box between his T-Shirts

"Totally" Zara closed the suitcase and the girls walked in the living room

"Dinner is ready!" Pascale said and they all sat in the dining table for the dinner

"Did you have fun in Italy, Charles?" Carla asked

"Yes it was really good! The same as the other times!" Charles said laughing

"Not the same! Carlos told me that you went to Bologna for dinner with the other team!" Zara said and Charles let his fork fall in the plate

"He said that?" Charles asked confused

"Yes he did and something else but I don't want to ruin your surprise" Zara said proudly

"What surprise?" Arthur asked

"The bracelet" Zara answered "Carlos told me that you wanted me to forgive you about when you were leaving about the meetings so you bought it"

"There is no bracelet" Charles and his brothers walked in the bedroom and open the suitcase

"If is there any bracelet I'll kill him" Arthur said and Charles grabbed the bracelet but he threw it away "you are dead!"

"I promise brother! I was in Monaco!" Charles said nervously "I wasn't in Italy!"

"The little one is right, Charles!" Lorenzo said "Are you playing with us?"

Zara and the girls walked in the bedroom

"Told you honey!" Zara said smiling

"That's it!" Charles said madly "I wasn't in Italy and I don't know how the bracelet found there!"

"What are you talking about bebé?" Zara asked smiling

"I was in Monaco! Staying to Casino Hotel to help Charlotte that she didn't tell her parents that we broke up like the other long night meetings and the other trip in Italy I let you wait in the restaurant!" Charles took a deep breath

"What?" Zara asked completely in shock

They all walked out of the room and the couple stayed alone

"Why you didn't tell me?" Zara sat next to him in the bed

"I thought that you didn't want me to do that" Charles said smiling sad

"Charlie, you helped Charlotte and that's amazing! I understood that you were lying to me thats why Carlos and the bracelet and of course the AirPods in Japan" Zara sighed "I'm sorry"

"No! I'm sorry for lying!" Charles hugged her "that won't happen again! Never!"

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