This time its real

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Zara was home with Charles when she decided have a pregnancy test as Kelly advised her

She had a pregnancy test in the closet of the bathroom and she grabbed it to make it

The results came back positive

She's pregnant

A smile appeared on her face and she almost ran to Charles to give him the test

"What is that mon chérie?" Charles asked laughing and taking the test

Zara didn't answer and she was just smiling

"We are pregnant!" The Emirati girl said smiling and hugged her boyfriend

"That's wow" Charles said wanting to cry "I'll be a dad"

"And I'll be a mom" Zara said laughing and crying

"You'll be an amazing mother mon chérie" Charles kissed her lips gently "I love it"

"I know" Zara sighed "so the wedding will be in 2024"

"Yes no problem from me! I really want to meet this little baby" Charles touched her belly "I'll be the best dad ever I promise that to you!"

"This time it's real! We are pregnant" Zara said smiling

"I need to plan everything! Also book an appointment to your doctor to watch our baby" Charles touched her hands "But before I'll leave for Bahrain"

"Also I booked tickets for Bahrain on Thursday evening" Zara kissed him "and yes we need to book an appointment"

The next day the couple had they first doctor appointment to watch their baby

"Let's what our baby" Doctor placed the machine to watch the baby to the belly

Zara smiled a bit

"I see you are 7 weeks! And we have heartbeat!" The doctor pressed a button and the heartbeat heard "what?"

"Is everything okay?" Charles asked nervously

"You are having twins" the doctor said laughing

"What?" Zara asked laughing

"Yes! Two heartbeats! This is Baby A and this is Baby B" the doctor showed them the babies "How did you not realise that you are 7 weeks pregnant?!"

"Well it's not the first time that my period is late! So I had some symptoms and I took a test to check it" Zara answered smiling


Two days later Zara and Charles announced to their families that they are going to be parents

"You sure?" Aria asked for confirmation

"In eight months or less we'll hold two little babies" Zara replied smiling

"Two at once?" Arthur asked confused "that's very cute actually"

"See?" Charles said laughing

"So you give birth on?" Charlotte asked

"Last days of September and probably close to Japanese Grand Prix" Zara answered

"So I won't be there" Charles sighed "And that kills me"

"We all will be here for her don't worry!" Pascale comforts her son "now just enjoy the last nine months of you being just the two of you!"

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