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Zara made a move to stand up to grab the TV remote

"Don't!" Charles grabbed it and give it to her "here you are"

Zara just smiled and she changed the channel to Netflix

A few minutes later the young girl felt hungry so she made a move to stand up but Charles grabbed her thigh making her sit back

"What do you need mon chérie?" Charles stood up "I'm here"

"I wanted to grab my phone and order some pizza" Zara said

"I'll do that" Charles sat back and he grabbed his phone "One large size pepperoni!"

"That's just for me! Order something else for yourself" Zara said laughing

"I'll take the same" Charles ordered the food that came a few minutes later

Zara sat and placed her head against Charles' chest and he kissed her head

"Need anything?" Charles asked

"Don't go to work tomorrow" Zara sighed "I don't know if my boss will fire me because I am pregnant! I mean I will take some days off only because I'll give birth but then I want to go back to work!"

"Just relax! I think you should ask leave the job until you'll birth! For your good! And of course for our babies!" Charles answered

"They'll fire me Charlie! There is no way let me do that!" Zara replied

"Ask to work from home during these months!" Charles said "Zara I think you need to stay home! You are pregnant for first time and you have twins!"

"I will talk to Jason" Zara said "We changed boss and he does not flirt with me"

"That's good" Charles winked at her


On the back of her mind Zara knew that Charles is so overprotective with her and that starts make her nerves mad with him

The next day she decided go to Jason, a guy around 30 that just moved from London to work here

"Good Morning Zara! Have a seat!" Jason said smiling

"Good morning" The Emirati girl answered

Jason knew the name of every singe employee of the company! Managers, secretaries, executives, directors, cooks, cleaners! Everyone!

Zara sat on the chair for the guests

"Some whiskey?" Jason asked sitting on the chair for the guests next to Zara

"No I can't drink" The Emirati girl answered "I actually wanted talk about something with you sir"

"There is no sir here" Jason said and Zara giggled

"Jason" She said smiling

"Good!" Jason smiled "talk to me!"

"So I want to get some months off until I'll give birth on September! I mean I will work from home! I am pregnant with twins and that's my first pregnancy so I want to be healthy and safe" Zara said

"Good! Of course you can! And also congratulations on the pregnancy" Jason gave her a friendly quick hug "So yes you can work from home! I will tell you the details to talk about!"

Zara got back home really happy, as she opened the door Charles was there and he grabbed her Tote Marc Jacobs bag before do anything else

"Hello?" Zara said confused as Charles closed the door behind

"Hey mon chérie" Charles kissed her lips "go wash your hands, change clothes and mom cooked broccoli soup!"

Zara sighed and she walked to wash her hands and change into her pyjamas

As she got in the kitchen Charles was sitting on the table as he watched he helped her to sit

Zara sighed and she started eating

"The whole bowl" Charles said counting how many times she ate

"Stop it" Zara threw her spoon madly on the table "I am 26 and old enough to make my own choices! Yes I know that I am pregnant and I know what to be careful of! I love you but you are so overprotective and you have made me so mad the past couple of days!"

Charles sighed

"I'm sorry! I thought that this would be the best for you three" Charles replied sad

"Bebe" Zara touched his hand "the doctor told me what to do and I follow his instructions! Don't worry about me! I know that you want the best but they don't be so overprotective"

"Okay" Charles said smiling "this won't happen again! Never!"

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