3. New face

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It was amazing. Unfortunately for you though, you didn't have time to admire the beauty of Brighton all day, so instead you called a quick uber to your location.


You quickly thanked and paid the driver and crawled out of the cab, walking towards the cafe you had been dropped off at. It was like something you would find on pinterest. A simple modern-ish look, welcoming; it had plants climbing up its sides as if they were racing to get to the top. Being too caught up in the building, you hadn't noticed the two rowdy teens running towards you, carelessly knocking you off your feet, onto the ground while continuing to scream at each other. They were definitely reddit users

You didn't yell at them or cause a scene but began to gather the things you had dropped onto the ground around you instead, this wasn't such an unusual occurrence and honestly you hoped they wouldn't cause a scene themselves. A rough 'Hey'  coming from above you startled you out of your sub-conscious state. You looked up, the sun almost blinding you in the process, to be greeted with a familiar face, yet one you couldn't quite put your finger on. '-m so so sorry about that those two are bloody idiots' continuing his sentence, he raised his arm out to you, offering to help you up. You accepted, mumbling an its okay and patting yourself down once you were up and off the floor.

The two of you's conversation ended with one last apology and the mysterious man running off with what seemed to be a camera man, probably to chase after the two boys. 

Well, this sure was a shitty first impression to the people on the streets of Brighton who were now making you feel incredibly awkward with their irritated stares practically burning through the back of your head. You really needed a coffee after that.


After finishing your drink and discarding the rubbish into a nearby bin, you opened google maps once again, hoping to actually reach the apartment complex this time without getting knocked over. You noticed the temperature dropping as you walked through the chilly, tangled streets, eagerly searching for your destination until you found it. It was looming upright, staring down at you with it's dirty brick walls and overall old-looking demeanor as you shoved your phone into your back pocket.

This was it. Your new home. You just hoped it looked better on the inside than it did out here as you entered the building, inhaling the smell of the citrus cleaning products and peeling paint. Step after step you climbed the empty staircase in search of apartment number 22, and maybe, just maybe a new face to call a friend.


Hey guys, sorry for disappearing again, ive probably mentioned it a bunch of times but my mh hasn't been the best recently especially with all this pressure of school and everything, i promise that i am however trying my best to update as much as i possibly can!!

Also the original book hit 1k reads??!!! Thanks guys so much for all the support and for following, voting and commenting, hell, even just adding this book to your library puts a smile on my face when i look at my notifications so thanks again it really does mean a lot to me, you guys are awesome!!!

Stay safe, suck dick, and keep reading fanfics!!! <3

[no offense to my lesbian readers, although im not sure why you would be reading this,but you do you babes]

- Author xoxo

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