7. Wake Up!

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I changed this chapter quite a lot compared to the one in the other book, but i think this one is much better.

Your fist gently made contact with the door, a plate of snacks in the other as you stood outside of James's room, Otto sat at your ankles as you did so. No answer. Odd.

''Jaaaames, i have cookies???'' you called out. Again no answer, what the fuck was he doing in there? You opened his door, hoping to not see him jerking off or something else scarring like that, but you uncovered your eyes to just find him just sat at his desk with headphones on. Oh, that made sense. You approached him and tapped his shoulder to which he turned around startled, but quickly relaxed when he saw it was you. ''What's up?'' he asked, moving his headphones slightly to the side so they only covered one of his ears. 

You opened your mouth to reply, but had nothing to say when you looked around his room to find hair all over the place and a bunch of scissors and stuff all over his floor. Looking back up at him you saw his very uneven attempt as to what looked like a mullet and instantly you just said ''no.'' You picked up the hair tools, taking the headphones off of his head and began snipping away at his hair and properly shaping it to look less like his cat had just come and ripped his hair out. 

Surprisingly, he had nothing to say, even when you dragged him over to a mirror, showing him his new haircut and brushing the excess hair off of his shoulders 20 minutes later. '' What do you think?'' You asked him, running your fingers through his greasy but soft curls. His eyes seemed to twinkle like a small child's as you realised just how excited he looked. ''I- wow, it looks awesome thanks!'' he grinned back at you through the reflection.  ''So, NOW, do you want some snacks? After i stood at your door for practically 20 minutes before walking in here and seeing you looked like half your hair had been sawed off?'' ''Can we watch a movie with it?'' was all he replied before the two of you found yourself laying back on the couch, a mountain of blankets on top of you and tv remote in hand.


...what the fuck. I didn't know i was living with a barber all of a sudden, but i have to admit they did a pretty good job and i couldn't help but agree when they told me about how much of a mess my hair was before they fixed it. Remind me to not take up hairdresser as a side job. 

Anyways, we were both sat on the couch now various different blankets layered on top of us and decent snacks on the coffee table. We agreed on watching School of Rock, because it was a fucking classic, AND Jack Black is a bae. But, I caught myself zoning out of the film quite a few times, which was odd enough for me considering it was School of Rock, but it caught me even more off guard when i realised why. I would occasionally, just start staring at y/n for seemingly no reason at all, other than to observe them. 

The way their eyes wrinkled when they laughed, the way their jaw curved in such a perfect way and how their eyes lit up everytime they played a classic. It was jaw-dropping. Of course I didn't know why at the time, but i was soon to find out, especially after i felt the weight of their sleeping body curled up to my side. Even Otto joined us, taking a seat next to me as he purred at the feeling of me stroking that one part behind his ears that i knew he loved.

Soon, I turned off the TV slowly drifting off and leaning my head back against theirs, in such comfort that a part of me hoped I would never even wake up! again .

683 words.

next 2 chapters posted tmrrw cuz i just realised i have a massive peice of homework due in a couple hours that i haven't even started-

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