Chapter 8: Lesson Delivered

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Slavin's originally confident face faltered slightly when he only saw Kyle alone, by himself. What the... where is the rest of the Seven Snakes?

But soon, that confidence was restored as he watched Kyle brutally defeat the Red Lion gang members one by one in devastating fashion. It was like watching a theatrical performance rather than an alleyway fight, a picturesque demonstration of prowess and perfection.

"Who the fuck is that? What are all you numbskulls doing? Get him!" Lionel roared, prompting the Red Lions on his side to charge forward to attack Kyle. However, one of them remained behind, clearly shaken.

"What are you waiting for?!" Lionel glared at him with a ferocious stare, but even his intimidation couldn't stop the member from trembling.

"Lio-lio-lionel, that's the guy! That's the guy!"

"The guy? What guy? Speak clearly before I smack you myself!"

"He-he-he was the one killed by Riker two weeks ago before he went missing! It's a ghost!"

"What?!" Lionel took another look at the guy attacking the Red Lions, somehow fending off three at a time in the narrow alleyway.

Kyle was also proficient with his legs, delivering strong kicks that cracked shins and jaws with precision. Already three members were out for the count, one having his limb horribly twisted and bent out of shape by Kyle's martial grapples and body locks.

Before the others could reinforce the rest, Slavin reached out and grabbed a Red Lion's head, smashing it against the nearby wall with a loud resounding crack. "Can't just stand around when the boss is in action."

The members of the Red Lion jostled about as the backline tried to urge the front forward, but the front was reluctant to face Kyle and Slavin on separate sides.

"Screw all of you; I'll show you how it's done!" Lionel roared as he shoved the members aside, coming to the front and charging at Slavin first. The neon red hammer swung wildly at Slavin, forcing him to dodge or block with his arms.

His right forearm took the brunt of a downward hammer strike, but somehow Slavin withstood the pain, allowing him to throw an uppercut at Lionel's chin.

Lionel backed off instinctively, dodging the incoming fist and swapping the hammer to his left hand. With a sideward swing, he nailed Slavin right in the ribs, causing Slavin to gag and stumble backwards.

Slavin winced as he resumed his fighting stance, but a sudden sharp pain suddenly sprouted from where he's been hit first on his right forearm, a searing fire almost burning through his nerves. It was as if there was lava flowing in his veins at a timed interval. Before he could recover, another jabbing pain erupted from his ribs once again. What?

With a smirk on his face, Lionel exploited the weakness, knowing his hammer's arctech engraving effect had kicked in. Three more hits landed on Slavin, with the final one crippling his knee and forcing him down onto the ground. "That's right, stay down like the little dog you are. AND YOU, YOU'RE NEX-"

Lionel was about to taunt the other attacker but soon noticed all six of his guys fighting Kyle had already been taken out. The last was dangling by the neck, Kyle nearly crushing it before throwing him to the side. Kyle did not kill any of them, keeping them barely alive.

Lionel instinctively gulped. Even he did not have the confidence nor ability to fight off six of his own members at the same time. And the enemy looked like he did it with just an enchanted metal pipe.

"It's just one fucker!" Lionel laughed, fake bravado masking the fear in his heart. "He's acting strong; he must already be tired or injured by now. GET HIM!"

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