Chapter 9: Red Lion

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"SEVEN SNAKES! COME OUT!" A man clad in reddish armour bellowed outside the base of the Seven Snakes, attracting the attention of many passers-by. He was flanked by a dozen lightly armoured individuals as well, all bearing the insignia of the Red Lions.

Many of the onlookers gathered far away, watching intently. It's only been barely more than a day since the battle in the alleyway, but the word of Kyle's prowess and his taking over the gang had already spread through the district. It was no surprise that the Red Lions would come to harass the Seven Snakes after such a harrowing defeat, where a dozen Red Lion members were captured.

"COME OUT NOW! TOO SCARED TO DEFEND YOUR OWN TURF?" The man continued yelling loudly.

The entrance to the base suddenly swung open, revealing an obviously disgruntled Kyle who had just woken up, his eyes slightly sleepy. "Who are you?" Kyle asked.

The man was stumped for only a brief moment before cackling loudly. Every movement of his seemed to be geared towards showmanship, showing off his equipment and his dominance over the ordinarily dressed Kyle.

Kyle squinted his eyes. He's putting on a performance for reputation and rumours. Stereotypical.

"Don't you know? I am the great Wrent, Left Paw of the Red Lion! It seems you've been taking good care of my boys."


"And?" Wrent's eyebrows twitched slightly at the defiant tone before he resumed his haughty attitude. "I believe you are keeping them as prisoners and would like to have them back. I'm sure you wouldn't want to cause an incident here on this fine day, don't you...?"

"How much?"


"How much would it cost in rakels to buy your members?"

Wrent's expression darkened. "Are you implying that we, the honourable Red Lion, would ever be willing to sell our –" A dark yellow potion sailed through the air, with Wrent stumbling to catch it.

Just as he was about to berate Kyle for tossing random objects at him, he took another look at the dark yellow potion, staring intently. "This... this is a Stamina Recovery Potion!" Wrent was no fool – he had already heard rumours of the Seven Snakes selling them through the brothel.

"There's more where that came from. How many would suffice?"

Wrent coughed slightly, his eyes darting around. "Perhaps it would be best if we discuss this inside, away from prying eyes."

Only the two of them entered the office, with Damian standing guard outside.

"I did not expect Ulon to fall so soon," Wrent remarked as he glanced around the office, seeing most of the usual ornaments that Ulon loved to flaunt missing. "Did you come from another gang? I don't recall seeing anyone like you."

"No, I have been in the gang for a while now. I just felt I could do better." Kyle replied, his back exposed to Wrent, who eyed him like a predator.

"Are you not afraid I would kill you right here?" Wrent smirked, his right hand slightly rubbing the pommel of a ruby-engraved sword with a wide grin.

"You can try if you want. I'm sure it will do wonders for your reputation," Kyle replied apathetically, not in the least afraid of Wrent.

The sheer confidence exuded by Kyle slightly frightened Wrent, causing him to be a lot more cautious. This man is not the same as Ulon. The slow method may not work for him. I'll have to fleece him as much as I can. There's no way the debt Ulon racked up is gone within less than two weeks. I know they still owe a million to the Crimson Swords.

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