Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The captain sits up quickly and grabs Victoria, his hands wrapping around her face.

"Victoria?" he asks breathlessly. "Are you okay?"

Victoria freezes, completely taken aback by his question. He was the one who had his throat ripped out.

"Victoria," he says, shaking her slightly, his eyes burning into hers with fear. "My blood, the curse, Severed Fell." He speaks quickly, his voice shaking with panic. "Victoria, say something. Please. Are you feeling okay? You're not having any effects from the curse?" He moves his gloved hands to her mouth and opens it, inspecting it.

That's when Victoria snaps out of it. She shakes her head and gently moves his hands away.

"I'm fine," she says, "no, I am not rotting away from your curse."

He lets out a long breath of relief. Victoria moves back so she's leaning against the bed. She chuckles softly.

"You don't listen, do you?" she asks light-heartedly. She taps her stomach. "There is nothing this thing can't digest."

"Yes, I remember you saying that now," he replies and comes and sits next to her. They don't look at each other. Instead, they stare ahead. Silence fills the room, neither one knowing what to say after all of that. Victoria curls her legs up and leans her chin on her knees. The captain closes his eyes and lets out a long sigh.

"I'm losing them, aren't I?" he finally asks.

"Yes," Victoria replies, still not looking at him.

"I'm sorry, Ria," he says and turns to face her. She gulps, her lips quivering.

"Thank you for your apology," she whispers. "And I am also sorry. I should not have lost control like that. It's never happened before."

"We pushed each other too far," he replies, "and it was mostly my fault."

Victoria turns and faces him. He doesn't look at her. Instead, he stares at the ground. He gulps and licks his lips.

"I'm scared," he whispers. "I'm scared of what she will do when she finds out. I know that whatever rage she has, she'll take it out on my crew, my family, instead of me. I just want to protect them."

"Pushing them away isn't going to protect them," Victoria says softly.

"I did this to them. My selfish actions are what got us cursed in the first place."

"It wasn't just you, Lorenzo. Aurora said it herself, the whole crew encouraged it back then. They enjoyed the Sea Witch's gifts just as much as you did. You all had a part to play in what happened. The burden doesn't fall completely on you. In fact, it barely falls on any of you. The one who is at fault here is the Sea Witch."

He nods his head. "I know that deep down," he replies.

"Then why, Enzo?" she asks. "Why do you push them away and hide in here? Why are you so stubborn?" 

"I suppose I'm preparing myself for when I'm the last one left," he whispers. Victoria thinks back to the crew sleeping below in their watery tombs and she shudders.

"That's not going to happen," she says. "They aren't going to leave you."

"This journey means everything. If we get to the Frozen Witch and she doesn't have the answers we are looking for..." he trails off.

"She will," Victoria says and she reaches out, pressing her hand onto his shoulder.

"And if she doesn't..." Victoria trails off and gulps. Her mouth dries at the thought of saying the words she is about to say. "If she doesn't, then I will give you my kiss."

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