******PART 22******

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The following day, Beomgyu left early, and I.N didn't even get a chance to discuss what he had discovered. He shrugged it off, making a mental note to bring up the matter with his roommate once he returned home in the evening. 

Beomgyu had an early morning class to attend, and as he rushed through the hallways to reach his class, he received a message from I.N. It was an announcement about an evening party that the music and dance club had to attend. Beomgyu, however, wasn't particularly enthusiastic about going to the party.

He contemplated skipping it, but before he could make up his mind, I.N sent another message, this time with a bit of a threat "Don't even think about skipping it." It seemed like I.N was determined to make sure Beomgyu wouldn't miss out on the event. Reluctantly, Beomgyu agreed to go, realizing that there might be no way out of it.

The day was really boring. Beomgyu had a lot of classes to attend, one after the other. As each class went by, he wished more and more that he could just go back to his comfortable, cozy bed. It felt like luck was being unkind to him, not letting him have the rest he really wanted.

+x+.+x+.+x+.+x+.+x+.(Yeonjun's day)  .+x+.+x+.+x+.+x+.+x+

(Yeonjun's day)

Yeonjun's class schedule was relatively light that day, so he had the luxury of sleeping in. However, his peaceful slumber was interrupted by the continuous vibrations of his phone. With squinted eyes, he reluctantly woke up, greeted by the blinding morning sunlight pouring in through his window

Since he was already awake, he decided to check his phone and opened the group chat of the music and dance club. The members were discussing about the upcoming party. Yeonjun had been aware of the party's intension; it was scheduled right before the club's activities were set to become more frequent and the members would not have any time to go out.

Yeonjun reluctantly left the coziness of his bed and began preparing for the day. After his classes were over, he found himself with a generous two-hour gap before the party was set to begin. So, he decided to head back home and get all dressed up for the event. Being a fashion major, he took extra care in selecting his outfit, wanting to make a stylish entrance.

With some time to spare, and not much else to do, he decided to lend a hand at the party venue to help with the setup. He knew he didn't want to drink tonight. Yeonjun was well aware that if he had even a single drink, it would be hard to stop at just one, and he wanted to stay in control for the evening.

+x+.+x+.+x+.+x+.+x+.+x+.(AT THE PARTY) .+x+.+x+.+x+.+x+.+x+.+x+.

As the party was filling with guests, Yeonjun gravitated towards the dance floor, where the music lured him in. His body effortlessly synchronized with the rhythm, as if it possessed a will of its own. Despite his vow to avoid using alcohol to drain his emotions, the sight of Beomgyu in the midst of the celebration shattered his self-discipline.

Drinks flowed, and with each sip, Yeonjun's control slipped away. When he glimpsed Beomgyu sitting alone, his feet moved towards him on an impulse, leaving his rational mind trailing behind.

Yeonjun was quite intoxicated when he sat in front of Beomgyu. He moved closer to the younger and started speaking to him, apologizing profusely for his earlier rejection. Beomgyu couldn't help but notice a hint of tears in Yeonjun's eyes. Concerned, Beomgyu spoke up, saying, "Hyung, I think you've had a bit too much to drink. Let's not say anything now that you might regret later." With that Yeonjun spoke not even registering what Beomgyu said.

"Beomgyu, I need to be honest with you. I like you, I fucking like you soo much it hurts every time I look at your eyes. They seem to accuse me of all the wrongs I've ever done to you. You're the prettiest most amazing, thoughtful, pretty, beautiful person I know, and it's painful to keep my distance from you. Trust me, I don't want to do this, but Beomgyu, it is the best for both of us. Do you have any idea how tough it is to know that the person you're into likes you back, but you can't act on those feelings? It's a constant struggle, resisting the urge to kiss you on the lips, on the forehead, on the neck, or even just holding your hand whenever I want. It's frustrating because my mind is consumed by thoughts of you, and it's impossible to carry on with life as if everything is normal."

After saying that Yeonjun was approaching Beomgyu and the distance between them decreased gradually. Beomgyu felt the older's breath fanning over him and they were dangerously close. Yeonjun couldn't hold himself together he closed his eyes and there was practically an inch gap between their lips.

In a swift, unexpected motion, Beomgyu pushed Yeonjun away, his heart pounding with adrenaline. They made their way away hailing a passing cab, the city lights a blur around them, and helped Yeonjun into the backseat. Yeonjun had had too much to drink and was now slumped in the car.

With Yeonjun slumped in the back seat, Beomgyu felt a sense of urgency. He rushed to Yeonjun's apartment, gripped by the weight of his unconscious 'friend'. Knocking impatiently on the door, he heard Soobin shout with frustration from the other side.  

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you to take the keys with you?" Soobin scolded, irritation evident in his tone. 

Breathing heavily and feeling anxious, Beomgyu replied, "Hyung, it's me."

With that, the door burst open, revealing Soobin's concerned expression. Beomgyu stood there, Yeonjun clinging to him like a koala, Soobin quickly stepped in, taking charge of the situation, gently prying Yeonjun away from Beomgyu's arms. 

As Soobin tried to engage in conversation, Beomgyu, overwhelmed and unable to find the right words, abruptly left the scene without a word. The night's events had taken an unexpected turn, leaving them all with a sense of anticipation and uncertainty.


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How did you feel about this chapter. What do you think will happen to both of them??

Random fact of the day.

---------> The chance that someone will die on their birthday is 6.7 percent, which is higher than any other day.

IDK why though.

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