Chapter 22

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The Iron Throne was uncomfortable.

Too many swords near the headrest, in her humble opinion. They could have done with more littered around the seat. Robert Baratheon had removed quite a few, reducing the mountain significantly.

(Maybe it looked different because the last time Saera sat on it by herself, she'd been ten and holding a newborn Viserys.)

Just as she had in Meereen, she held an audience for most of the day, listening to the concerns of Westerosi men and women who came from all corners of the Realm. It was exhausting, yet she still made time for sparring after her dinner, insistent on remaining strong.

She wouldn't be like other rulers who let their ability to defend themselves decline solely because they wore a crown. She'd be embarrassed to find herself sitting down while the Queensguard fought to keep her safe.

"It astounds me that you aren't yet tired," said Jorah, panting heavily as she climbed off of him, fluffing up her hair and still energetic enough to retrieve a glass of wine for him. He probably wouldn't be able to stand on his own for another half hour.

(He'd never admit it but his legs turned to jelly just at the sight of her. To have a dragon riding him was another matter entirely and he could scarcely feel his feet afterwards. His limbs tingled pleasantly, leaving him completely at her mercy. Not that it was a problem; he loved how she brushed her fingers through his hair and how she lay on his chest, catching her breath.)

Saera didn't mind taking care of him, happily offering him the wine and kissing the top of his head. "It fills me with joy to be here, now that I've had two weeks to adjust. Ruling feels more natural than I thought. And I'm quite happy not to have to hide you away."

"I thought there would be some protest to your proposal. Men wishing to marry you, thinking they were more worthy than a traitor."

"Well, my children will not sit the Iron Throne unless Jon somehow thinks our daughters or sons are going to be better rulers than whoever sits the seat of each Great House at the time. The men don't gain much."

"Many would still wish to be married to a Queen. You are an inspiration, you are strong, you are incredibly beautiful."

She smirked. "And you, my dear King consort, are incredibly handsome. When do you wish to be wed?"

"I have no preference. It is still early into your rule... you have much to do."

"Yes, but time can always be made for a small ceremony. I assume we both wish for a small wedding?"

"It would be ideal, yes."

"Then we only need our families and a High Septon. Any day we wish. Our work here is just beginning but what I have inherited from those who came before me is significantly better than I expected. Cersei eliminated the entirety of the Crown's debt; I don't need to worry about paying anything back, only how we will make money, how will will use what we have to build schools and help each Kingdom. No sense in spending what we do have on stupid tourneys to celebrate every other small accomplishment. I want us to all capable of producing something we can be proud of. I want to attempt the same system of trades that we started in Meereen. There is no way of knowing how that is working out under my sister but I thought it was going well. It may help those with shared talents to learn from each other. Encourage community, put more minds to a task and improve rapidly..."

He cleared his throat. "My Queen, I must ask... what about your sister?"

"You think I should write to her?" asked Saera quietly. "Ser Jamie has chosen to go to Essos... I could send him to Meereen to see Tyrion whilst carrying a message from me. But what would I say? She thinks I stole her birthright, her throne. I just conquered it like anyone could have, I put myself here because she was..." she made a face. "It doesn't matter. Surely she'd see it as an insult if I told her what I managed. And what would be added to that letter? A request for her to come and bend the knee? A query about a potential alliance? She will take it badly, you know she will."

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