Chapter 24

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A/N: Unexpectedly enough we've arrived at the last chapter... I am trying to avoid excessive suffering in this particular fic since poor Saera has been through enough. Other fics (I promise!) will be more angsty (or less?) and the OCs will have a better relationship with their siblings (if applicable, and if possible considering my plans for them hehe). Enjoy!


The Red Keep was silent.

Saera sat without speaking, watching the door, Jorah beside her and the Small Council waiting in the wings. She gripped her spear tightly, having to let go every few seconds so she might be able to feel her hand again.

No one dared to move an inch. They scarcely dared to breathe too loud. Everyone was waiting to see what would happen, what Saera would do.

When the doors opened, they flinched. Saera didn't. She remained stiff as a board as four figures walked in, Daenerys followed by Missandei, Grey Worm, and Daario. Tyrion's absence was too obvious. The Mother of Dragons had abandoned her dresses and wore a black coat attached to a red cloak, held to her shoulder by a silver pin and chains bearing the three-headed Targaryen dragon. It almost looked like armor, and it definitely resembled what Saera expected a conqueror to wear.

Missandei called out, "Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First Of Her Name, The Unburnt, rightful Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons."

The court eyed Saera, to see if she'd even grimace at the sound of Daenerys being called the 'rightful' Queen. Only one of them sat the Iron Throne. And even before this Saera had never called herself the 'rightful' Queen because she wasn't.

When Daenerys had stopped at the foot of the throne, glaring at Saera, Brienne announced, "You stand in the presence of Saera of House Targaryen, First of Her Name, The Slayer, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, The Dornish Queen, The Sand Dragon, The Red Serpent, The Dragon Raised by Snakes, The Last Dragon, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm."

Neither sister spoke at first. At last, Saera relaxed her shoulders, "Hello, sister." Daenerys did not react. "I hope you are well..." she continued to glare, causing Saera to add, "though the pout I see on your face is one of a child whose favorite toy was taken away."

Daenerys looked as though she'd been slapped in the face. "And all I see is a usurper."

"Careful," said Saera, fingers drumming over the shaft of her spear. "I sit the Iron Throne, not you."

"You stole the throne," said Daenerys sharply. "You took it from me."

Saera made a face. "I seem to recall snatching it away from Queen Cersei Lannister. When I took it, when my own people brought me to it, it hadn't belonged to the Targaryens for two decades, as per the right of conquest Robert Baratheon took on. I have done the same. I did, not you."

"And you named an heir," said Daenerys. "Jon Snow."

"Jon Stark. Rhaegar's legitimate child. A Targaryen, a Northerner, and a good man. He killed the Night King, he united the wildlings and the kingdoms to fight the Great War. What exactly were you doing while we were defeating the Army of the Dead?"

"Coming up with a way to take back what you stole from me!"

"You had ages to come and take the Iron Throne, ages where I would have killed a thousand men and placed the crown on your head myself. You ignored my advice at every turn, you belittled me, you kept me close because you considered me an enemy. I had every right to take what was mine and go home the way I wanted to. I wanted to help you and you rejected everything I offered. I decided I would do it myself, with my methods, with people I knew would help me."

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