First Day?

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Kirstie's POV:
"Wake up Kirst!" as my mom yells from downstairs. Why would she wake me up this early, oh well great it's the first day of high school and i'm already nervous. I checked on my alarm it's 5:50 that means I have 10 more minutes.
"KIRSTIN TAYLOR MALDONADO WAKE UP" my mom yells even louder
"Alright mom, I'm awake". Finally, my body and the system were able to wake up and I rushes to the shower and take a bath. Then I open up my drawer and decided to wear an oversized hoodie and my favourite jeans, underneath the hoodie I wear a tanktop and decided to go by a pair of white converse shoes. Yeah, typical me. Kirstin.
I guess I'm kind of lazy to do my make- up for a first day of high school so I just go pale like this. Looking like zombies. I eat my breakfast that my mom has just made me. Bacon and eggs.
My new school's not that far from home, so I decided to walk all alone. After 10 minutes of a boring walk, I read the sign.Welcome to Martin High School.

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