You Decided, Mitchell

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Kirstie's POV: 

I think I need to talk to Mitchell about all of this. Because I've also been ignoring him from 2 weeks. I'm trying to figure out a way to push Adam aside but it seems impossible.Dang.. he really don't get it don't he? I decided to text Mitch. 

K: Meet me at Starbucks right now.

M: Hi Kirstin, well Okay!

I changed into a pair of hoodie and sweatpants because we all know that I'm such a lazy ass in the morning. I waited for him in the booth that's located in the corner. 

"Hi princess! I missed you so much!"

"Hi Mitchell, I wanna talk about something."

"I know Kirst"

"Look, I'm actually going to discuss about our new album." Suddenly his smile fades away and turns into sadness. 

"Haha, no Mitchell I wanna talk about us. What happened to us Mitchell?" 

"Uhm, I don't know. All my love for you is all I've ever known." He smiled. OMG how cute! 

Then I decided to change the topic to stuff he does of 2 months ignoring this little princess and some random stuff. 

Mitch's POV: 

Why is Kirstin not giving me the answer to that question I gave her 2 weeks ago? Does this means that she only wanna stayed being an all-time bestfriend thing? I sighed. I turn so sad in a instant right now. 

"Hey hun, what's the matter." 

"I want you to be mine Kirstin! But you seemed to not care at all about my question 2 weeks ago." I sighed

"Hey, don't be sad. And I do care, that's why I'm here. I love you too Mitchie even if you never asked me to." Then we kissed and it was passionate. The kiss that I've been wanting since forever! It's such a nostalgia of high school life! 

You know that kind of kiss you have that only last for 5 seconds because you can't help but smile widely? Yea that's what happened though. "Princess, are we a thing?" I asked her, smiling widely. 

"You decide, Mitchell" 

"Uhm, you're my girlfriend now. But how I wish you're Mrs. Grassi." 

"Okay.... too fast for that Mitchell." We laughed. 

Hey after all it's such a perfect day, then after finishing our coffee, we went for a walk around the mall. I got her a necklace that spells KG. That's sounds weird though, it's like kilograms or something. But for me, it's Kirstin Grassi. It's a promise of foreverness. She didn't even know what KG means. 


Author's Note: I know that Bestfriend and Thankyou are supposed to be separated, but let's just leave it my way! 

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