Author's Note

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Hello! I'll probably update soon because school's stuff is done and I have like a week of holiday so yea. 

But I just personally really want to talk about this right now and I hope some of you guys read it. 

Have you ever cry because of a really good mirstie fanfic and then smile when they have a cute moments together? But afterwards you'll cry again realising that none of them are real to both Mitchell and Kirstin.

I mean, I do that every night LOL, because I'm such a loser and I really think that they're meant for each other. 

My bestfriend showed me Pentatonix a year ago, I think it was the I Need Your Love video and my first reaction be like "OMG that girl is so pretty and so does that guy. They should date!" And then I get pretty excited knowing their past relationship. 

I wish I could be a better author sometimes, well because I suck. I don't actually want to write mirstie and prefer to read it but sometimes I get a new idea of what would their love be in my perspective and I can't imagine it without putting it into words. Then I thought, maybe I should share it on wattpad to practice my writing skills. 

Any way, I love you guys. Thank you for reading my weird book LOL. My first language is not English, so correct me if I'm wrong. 

Love You, 

C. H. 

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