I love You?

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Kirstie's POV:

*Two months later*

Today I wake up feeling excited yet a bit sick. I don't know why but I feel like throwing up so badly so I run to the nearest toilet and puke. Then, I flushed the toilet and go back to bed and my mom came into my room.

"Hey Kirstie, wake up! You're going to be late for school"

"Uhm mom, I'm feeling sick and I've throw up."

"Wait what happened? You're not pregnant aren't you young lady?"

"OMG mom, of course not maybe it's just because yesterday was raining and I don't have an umbrella so I just walk home wet from the pouring rain"

"Oh okay, I make you pumpkin soup. You can stay here and take a rest" Then she kisses my forehead. I really love my mother you know because she's just a perfect caring mother I'll ever asked for.

I got pretty bored so I checked on my phone to see if anyone had texted me or something and I notice that I got a message from Scott and Mitch. Oh new caring friends?

Scott: Hey Kirstie! Where are you?

Kirstie: Hey Scottie, sorry can't make it to school. I have a fever :(

Scott: OMG Get Well Soon young lady :)

Kirstie: Yes, thank you Scott

Scott: Okay bye, I gotta go to science class ugh...

Kirstie: Okay bye

Mitch: Hey Kirstin Why r u not in school?

Kirstie: Got a fever and influenze :(

Mitch: Get well really soon princess. Can I have ur address?

Kirstie: Thank you, and yes Mitch. It's nearby the school at blablabla street number 17th block B. And when do you start calling me princess?

Mitch: Since one second ago. Bye princess, see you this afternoon

Kirstie: Okay bye Mitchie

See that's the difference between your friend and your lover. You flirt with the lover. Wait what? Kirstin Taylor you have completely loose your mind because you're too sick to function. I go bored so I fall a sleep on my bed after eating my mom's pumpkin soup she made me.

*On the evening*

"Kirstie wake up, you got a visitor for you. He said he's your friend from school" my mom said

"Oh okay mom, just asked him to come here please. I'm so lazy of walking down."

"Yes sure honey and I'll make you two something." She close my door.

So I waited there until someone knock on my door and welcome him.

"Hey princess Kirstin. I got Mac and Cheese for you"

"Hey Mitch, come here. Thank you anyway for coming and for bringing me Mac and Cheese".

"How's school?" I asked as he sit on my bed while I'm leaning against the wall.

"Uhm, school's fine no homework Yay! And Scott told me he can't be here because he needs to take care of his younger brother but he asked me to tell you hi from him."

"Well, that's fine and tell Scott I say hi too."

"Wanna do something fun?" Mitch asked.

"I don't know Mitch, I'm too weak to function. Can we just cuddle here and tell some stories?"

"Yes sure."

Then, he's telling me all about his favourite music type and he said that he loves EDM and electro music while I said that I loved 80s and 90s music. I can't focus well on what he's saying because for the past 30 minutes all I really do is stare into his brown eyes and his face. How can god's creation be this angelic. He's perfect.

Mitch's POV:

I've been telling Kirstie about my love to cats, my favourite type of music and hobbies. But, she seem lost and not focusing n what I'm saying, as I stare into her beautiful face and she's staring at me too. Maybe she have been staring at me for an hour by now because she's not responding on anything I'm talking about.

"What's the matter Kirstin?" I asked and she blushed.


"You've been staring at me for an hour and your not responding to any stories I've told you princess."

"Really? Oh sorry maybe it's because your face's too perfect." I smile to the comment she made.

Kirstie's POV:

Wait what? Why do I have to say that? Now it will be awkward because he will think I'm weird or so. OMG what am I gonna do? Then he touched my nose.

"I like how you blushed, you're so cute when you blushed." Ah I'm already dying inside. Those butterflies in my stomach were just perfect.

Mitch's POV:

Is it the perfect time to tell her that I'm head over heals for her?

"Kirstin, there's something I need to tell you"

"You know you can tell me anything"

"Kirstin, I love you".

Kirstie's POV:

OMG, this is the time. He's confessing to me that he loves me.

"I love you too Mitch." Then I chuckled but I just don't know why.He leans in for a kiss but I stopped him.

"I'm having viruses all around you silly, so it means no kissing."

"Okay then, but I just want you to know that I've really wanted to do that since a long time." He said with a pouty puppy face that I can't resist, so I just smile widely. Then we just cuddle for the rest of the night.

"Kirstin are you tired?" He asked

"Yes, I am. Can you sing for me? Please" I beg

"Of course princess."

You and I,

We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky.

With you, I'm alive

Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide.

So stop time right here in the moonlight,

Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes.

Without you, I feel broke.

Like I'm half of a whole.

Without you, I've got no hand to hold.

Without you, I feel torn.

Like a sail in a storm.

Without you, I'm just a sad song.

I'm just a sad song.

He's a perfect countertenor. He have a really angelic voice and a strong head voice. He must have some whistle register voice.

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