"thank you for coming in" Aizawa bows at his students sister. She has white hair with flicks of red, tied in a bun with a few strands hanging loose at the front. She wore a wooly turtleneck blue jumper and black pants.

"oh it was no problem I was passing by anyway" she smiles brightly.

"if you don't mind taking a seat I have a few questions"

The two made there way to the desk that has a chair on either side, and shoto's file on top.

"first off I need to know about the family doctor" Aizawa meets her gaze.

"ah, well we don't really have a family doctor we just go to the local hospital" she shrugs her shoulders.

"oh? You see the medical file, from before shoto entered UA is completely blank?"

"are you sure?" the girls eyebrows furrowed, "that can't be right the copy back at the house isn't? Could it be a misprint?" the girl questioned. Aizawa knew she was being genuine which made it worse.

"ah, well you see these are government documents, so in order for it to be blank when the original isn't means it's a fake" Aizawa explained calmly. The Todoroki's eyes widen as she heard the information. "oh my- I don't understand how that could've happened"

"its fine Ms, you won't get in any trouble, maybe you could get me a copy of the original then?"

"yes of course!" Aizawa sighed in relief, but still felt uneasy inside.

"this question is quite personal but-" Shota took a deep breath, "what is Todoroki's relationship with endea- his father?" Fuyumi immediately froze up.

"uhm what do you mean" she asked after a few seconds of silence a fake smile on her face. "well we have reason to believe something in going on at home" the pro hero breaks gently.

Fuyumi sits there stiff as a board for a few minutes, she looked like she's thinking very hard about what to say. Before the homeroom teacher can reassure her she tears up.

"can you help him?" she asks tears pooling in her eyes. Aizawa's breath hitches "with what exactly?"

"if I tell you something no one else can, will you help him?" she's trembling now and Shota feels his heart race, but keeps a calm demeanor.

"if there's something wrong with any of my students of course I'd help them." Aizawa reassures calmly.

"promise me, that you will help him" she pleads, tears slipping down her place cheeks and Aizawa treats her like he would if it was any of his students, he stands from his chair and crouches Infront of her looking her straight in the eyes when he promises, "i promise you that whenever one of my kids are hurting or in need, I will try my hardest, to help them."

She nods to herself as she wipes her eyes to no use as tears are still flowing down her face, "okay" she says trying to gather herself.

"their relationship, it's uh" she pauses taking a calming breath, "its- it's really bad"

When she deems herself calm enough she continues, "back when my dad just debuted as a pro hero-"


She told him about the quirk marriage, she told him about training their brother 'Touya' who enjoyed it, but when they found out about his quirk not fitting his body he still trained behind their fathers back, until he eventually died one night when practicing.

"a-and then," she hiccuped tears falling once again, "when he found out Shoto had both quirks," she sobbed, "im sorry I can't anymore"

"of course, thank you so much for telling me that must have been hard to burden on your shoulders for years."

She nodded with a hiccup and Aizawa refilled her plastic cup with more cold water from the dispenser, and she accepted with a broken "thank you"

A few minutes later they had their stuff gathered and we're getting ready to leave, "i just have one more question" he said, "on a scale of one to ten, how safe is Shoto to be living with his father right now?"

She pondered it for a moment, "compared to when he was in the remedial course, a 3?"

Aizawa wrote that down in his notebooks before the bid each other goodbye and he got in his car.

He immediately held his head in his hands "fuck!"

After a few deep breaths to recollect himself he pulled out his phone to call the detective, "Tsukauchi, I've got a major case to open, what are you doing right now?"

"just finished my shift, and I'm heading home, what's this about?"

"one of my students, I'll explain when I get there I'll meet you at yours" The raven haired then hung up and sent a text to Hizashi to let him know he wouldn't be home for a while, and he would explain when he got back.

Starting the car, The pro hero head to the detectives house, with half a story and enough information to put the number two pro hero in jail for at least a decade

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