Chapter 7

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Please be home Trevor thought as the phone rang. Anticipation filled him as he hoped to hear the voice of his best friend. A friend who had been more like a brother to him than Victor ever was. Whose absence pained him.

To his disappointment Cole did not pick up. Instead it went to the answering machine. He must be at work he thought as he listened to the message.

It then beeped and Trevor's voice cracked as he said "Cole its Trevor." Trevor said. "I just wanted you to know that I am okay. My number is..." He then read the number that was labeled on  the telephone. "208-555-0909. Please give me a call. I hope everything is okay."

Trevor hung up hoping to hear from him soon.

Cole walked into the house with his stepdad not realizing that he had missed Trevor's phone call by mere minutes.

"Let's go into the kitchen." Richey said.

"Yes, sir."  Cole thought how he had said little on the ride back to the house. Which made him a little nervous. As they walked into the kitchen he noticed that there was a message on the answering machine.  He thought about mentioning to Richie but thought it was probably not important.  Probably a sales person wanting to sell steak knives or a set of encyclopedias.

"Have a seat." Richie said.

Cole sat down as his stepfather walked to the freezer. "So am I in trouble."

"Well let's see." Richie opened the freezer. "You walked into a diner making a public spectacle of yourself, got yourself into a fight." He pulled out two bags of peas and closed the door. "So yeah I would say you are in trouble."

"I didn't mean to get into a fight."

"Well what did you think was going to happen when you walk into someone's place of work and accuse them of being a child molester." Richie handed him the bags and Cole placed them on his bruised eye and cheek. "That he was going to fall to his knees and confess his sins."

"No." Cole said. "I guess I didn't really think how he was going to react."

"No you didn't." Richie said as he walked over to a cabinet. "You didn't think about what you were doing at all."

"I was defending my friend." Cole said.

"By throwing accusations that you don't know if are true or not.' Richie said as he pulled out Neosporin.

"They are true."

"How do you know if they are true or not." Richie pulled up a chair next to him and sat down.

"If Trevor said it was true then its true." Cole said with confidence in his voice. "He wouldn't lie."

"How do you know he wasn't mistaken?" Richie put the ointment on a cut below his lip.

"Ow." Cole said as he pulled back. "That hurts."

"Dont be a baby." Richey said.

"I'm not being a baby." Richie put ointment on a second cut and once again he cried our in pain.

"Sure you aren't." Richie said playfully.

"How could he make a mistake like that?"

"I don't know." Richie said. "You don't either. But now you have an entire diner full of people including his coworkers believing he is a pervert."

"Wait you don't think he is innocent." He lowered his hands.

"Put the bags  back on."

Cole placed the bags on his bruises. He thought how he had a couple more on his back from when he hit the ground.

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