Chapter 36

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Why does this keep happening to me a devastated Trevor questioned as he sat on the floor. Tears continued to roll down his cheeks as invisible waves of emotion crashed down on him. He found if hard to breathe as his chest tightened.

I thought things we going to be different here. I thought my father was different but he is just like my mother. Just as cruel and malicious as she is.

They are all.

In the midst of despair he could hear Jimmy's words from last night. Words that filled him with hope but now seemed to be nothing more than lies.

You are loved he could hear him say. The assuring look that was I'm his eyes as he said It's not an act. They are real Master Trevor.

You're being ridiculous a voice then said in the back of his head. Do you really think man who flew across the country to get you and bring you into his home would just abandon you? That these people who were so kind and loving to you last night would play such a horrible prank.

No, they wouldn't do that and they did not do that the voice confidently told him. He felt his chest muscles relax and once again began to breathe.

But why didn't they wake me up? He asked. Where are they?

I don't know the voice answered. But you are not going to find out sitting on the floor crying like a baby. You need to get up and find out what is going on.

Yes I do he told himself. Trevor then forced himself up. He leaned against the wall as the strength returnr to his legs and began to move towards the end of the hall.

Once again he saw himself lying on the floor his mother's house crying for them not to leave him, pleading with them to come back. Emotions began overwhem him once again but he pushed them way.

Don't go there he told himself. Just get downstairs find your dad, or Jonathan or Jacob and find out what is going on.

He then pushed the door opened and walked onto mezza hoping not to find some staff member but there was none.

Nor was there any sign of his family much to his disappointment.

Keep going the voice told him. It's a big house and you've only gone about ten feet.

Trevor slowly walked down the steps and made his way into the south wing. As soon as he walked onto the hall he heard a bustle of activity from the kitchen.

Maybe the chef could tell me.

Trevor walked to the door but froze before he could enter. He was too terrified to go in and discover that his worst fears were true.

Just do it he ordered himself. You are going to find out either way.

Trevor was about to push the door when he heard. "Master Trevor." He turned to see Miss Sarah walking towards him with concern across his face. "What's wrong?"

Trevor sniffed as his body shook. "Did they go out without me."

"Go out without you?" Sarah said in confused.

"Did my dad..." Trevor's voice broke. "Did my dad and the others leave with out me."

"No." She said firmly. "Of course not." She took him into her embrace. "They would never just leave you.'

"Then where are they?" The tears rushed down his face.

"They're all here." Miss Sarah said. "Well except for Miss Abigail who went out shopping but she will be back by lunch. Master Jonathan is in the music room practicing his chello, Master Danny is not feeling too well so he is lying down in the game room." With the lights dimmed down low she thought. "And your father is in a meeting with your Uncle Elliot."

Life of TrevorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang