Chapter 18

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Four years ago....

Trevor sat in the back of his mother's car as they pulled into the parking lot of the Red Lobster. Excitement bubbled up inside him as he looked at the restaurant. Going out to eat was something that his family did very little of. Especially when it came to a nice restaurant like Red Lobster.

Normally they could not afford such a treat but tonight was a special occasion. Victor had graduated from eighth grade as valectorian and they were taking him out to celebrate. Even though he could care less about his brother's academic achievements he was overjoyed at going to eat at a real restaurant for once.

His mouth watered as he stepped out of the car and a smile grew across his face. It was all he could not to bolt across the parking lot to the restaurant.

Trevor took a couple steps towards the restaurant and then heard his mother say "Where do you think you're going?" Natalie Cook gave him an annoyed look as she looked at him.

"To the restaurant." The eleven year old boy said confused.

"Dont be stupid you are not going in." Natalie gave him an icy stare as she spoke.

"But you said we were going out to eat to celebrate Victor making valedictorian."

"Yes we as in the three of us." Natalie said. "Not you."

"But what about me?" Trevor said with pain in his voice.

"What about you?" Victor said with disgust in his voice.

"You're going to wait in the car."

Tears began to sting his eyes. "But..."

"No buts." Wyatt said roughly. "Get in the car." Trevor did not move as he stared at three blankly wondering how they could be so cruel. "Get back in the car before I give you something really to cry about."

"Yes sir." Trevor hung his head and got into the car. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he watched them walk into the restaurant.

Not fair he the boy thought.

Present day...

Trevor got out of the limo and looked at the fancy restaurant. Once again he was filled with excitement and his mouth began to water. He took a couple of steps but then froze.

The three turned to him with looks of concern across their faces.

"Trevor." Roger said. "What's wrong?"

"Am I really going inside?" He questioned paralyzed with uncertainty. He wanted to believe he was going in but he kept expecting to be ordered back into the car.

"Of course baby." Dawn said in a loving tone as she walked over to him.

His began to mist up as he said. "They didn't let me go in with them. They made me wait in the care while they went in and ate."

"Well you're going in with us." She gently touched his arm. "Come on."

He looked at Dawn unsure.

"Its okay honey." Dawn rubbed his back.

"Yeah buddy its okay." Roger said.

Trevor swallowed and started to move again. Slowly. "I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to apologize for." Dawn said in a soothing tone.

Trevor gave her a grateful look and she let go of his arm as they approached the door.

"Why don't you boys go in and we will be with right with you."

Jonathan nodded his head. "Come on I'll show you the aquarium." The two then walked in.

Dawn let out a sympathetic sigh and said "You really need to have him talk to someone."

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