chapter 17

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Chapel Vineyard Winery....

"Yes." Roger answered much to her surprise.

"Really?" Dawn questioned. "Because you weren't too sure you when you told me about him the other day."

"No, I wasnt." Roger said as he looked at Trevor who was enjoying stomping around the barrel. "I was certain that she was just trying to pawn her kid on me so she didn't have to deal with him anymore."

"Or trying to get money out of you." Dawn said.

"Or that." Roger thought how she would not have been the first former lover claiming a kid was mine hoping to get a payday. "Though that was not likely since I never told her who I really was." I wish I had though he thought somberely. Maybe I could have learned about him sooner. Had him in my life for the past fifteen years. "I had my doubts even when I walked into the kitchen and saw him standing in the corner." He then looked at Dawn. "But as soon as he turned around I knew instantly he was mine."


"Because he is the spitting image of my maternal grandfather at that age." Roger said."Its a eeirie how much he looks like him. They could be twins."

"I see." She said with a slight nod.

"But I will still do a blood test to be sure."

"And if by some chance the blood test says he is not?" Dawn asked. "What then? Are you going to send him back to his mother and stepfather."

A look of discomfort crossed his face as he was hit by a rush of emotion.

Enoch Powell Orlando Free Library....

"So why are we at the library?" Cole inquired as they walked into the two story building.

"We need a phone book." Richey answered as he scanned the first floor.

"We have those at home Richey." Cole perplexed.

"They're not the ones we need." He told him. "This way." Richey said giving him a pat on the back.

The two then headed their way up to the second floor and made their way to the reference area. They walked over to the desk and Richey said to the person behind the desk. "Hi I would like the northern Idaho phone directory and yellow pages."

Cole expected the worker to tell him that they did not have phone books for Idaho. After all this was Florida and Idaho was practically on the other side of the country. Georgia's yes. Alabama yes, Tennessee maybe.

But not Idaho.

They would probably have New York's before they would have Idaho's.

To his utter shock the librarian said "I'll be right back." And then she disappeared into a backroom.

"They really have them." Cole said floored.

"Oh ye of little faith." Richey said jokingly. The librarian returned from the back carrying two the phone books. Cole's eyes widened at the sight of them. They were barely the same size as the phone book for Orlando and the surrounding area. "That's it?"

"You did just want Northern Idaho correct." The librarian.

"Yes." Richey said as he took the books. "Thank you." He then looked at a still perplexed Cole and said "Let's grab a seat."

The two then sat down and Cole asked "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for a name to go with the phone number." Richey said as he opened the phone book. "You said the name was Wilson correct?"


He then flipped to the W's where he found ten Wilsons listed. He just hoped that Trevor's father's number was not unlisted. "There." Richey said pointing at name beside it was the number that Trevor called from. "HIs father's name is Roger Wilson."

"Okay." Cole said. "And what do we do with this information."

"We now know where he lives and we can contact the local sheriff to talk to him about his accusations against Victor." Something he did not get the chance to do before they cruelly shipped off to live with his father.

"Do you think it will do any good?" Cole asked.

"I don't know." Richey said. "Its still a matter of he said he said." He thought how it probably won't go anywhere. Not until someone else

"Open the yellow pages." Richey said. "Go to the W's and see if there any businesses under his name."

Cole shrugged and opened the yellow pages. He turned to a page that had a full size ad for Wilson farms. "Ten locations across Idaho."

"That is what I thought." RIchey said.

"That he was a farmer." Cole said. "I already knew that."

"I don't think he is just a farmer." Richey said and then got up. "Come on." He scooped the phone books up and returned them to the counter.

"Where are we going now?"

"To take a look at the microfiche."

"Micro fish?" Cole said confused as he followed him out.

Chapel Vineyard Winery

"No, I won't send him back to those people."  Roger said with a vehemence in his voice. Anger flashed in his eyes as he uttered the words those people.

"What did they do to him?" Dawm asked.

"They beat him." Roger said. "They whipped him across the back like an animal over a stupid Kmart vase."

"Bastards." She said with a scowl. "How could do that to that sweet boy?"

"I don't know." Roger said. "But he is not going back to them." His voice trembled. "I'll adopt to him if he turns out not to be mine but those people will never touch him again."

"I agree." She looked at the boy with sadness in his eyes once again wondering how a mother could be so cruel to her own son. I would kill any man who did something like to Jonathan she thought.  "I just want to take him into my arms and not let him go."

"Go ahead." Roger said. "I don't think he will mind."

"No, I don't think he will."  Dawn agreed. "I think you need to forget about work for a couple of days and spend some time with him." She told him.

"I can't do that Dawn."

"Yes you can." Dawn said. "He needs you right now. He has gone fifteen years without loving parents and needs to know what it is like to have a  loving, attentive parent who cares about him."  She then said "No more excuses Roger." Emotion was in her voice. "He needs you." She then looked at Jonathan. "Your other children need you too. They need you to be more than a paycheck. They need you to be present."

"Okay." Roger said. "I'll take a couple of days off." The thought made him uncomfortable. "Maybe I will take them to Yellowstone tomorrow."

"I think that will be nice." Dawn said. "Just let me worry about the company the next couple of days."

"I will." Or at least I will try.

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