Chapter 1

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Leo stood up from the side of the road. He had been living homeless for as long as he could remember. He didn't remember a life or family before that, and his powers hadn't awakened yet, even though he was already eighteen, and they should've awakened in his early teenage years.

He had been mocked by everyone who he'd told about it, and no one seemed to help him.

He brushed off the most of the dust the had been collecting on his shorts and started to walk. He ran a hand through his strawberry blond hair. The streets were rarely busy, and all he could see was a fire demon kicking a rock, a couple of mediums running fortune-telling stands and a group of young earth-dwellers, dryads and pixies playing around.

One of the earth-dwellers ran up to him and grabbed his t-shirt by the corner.

"Hey, what's your name?" he asked. Leo assumed he was about six or seven.

He cocked his head. "My name is Boa."

"Leo," he replied.

"What you doing out here?" Boa stepped back, releasing his grip on his shirt.

"I'm on a mission."

"To do what?"

"Awaken my powers."


Leo nodded and turned around to leave.

"Hey wait..."


"Can I- can I come with you?" he muttered, brushing his foot against a pebble.

Leo spun around. "What?"

"Can I come with you on your mission?

Leo's eyes widened. "No one has ever..." he shook his head.

"What about your family?"

"I'm an orphan. I don't have any other family," Boa said.

"I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. I don't remember them anyways," Boa smiled at him, his lime green eyes full of innocence. "Where are we going?"

Leo smiled back. "I'm not too sure yet. But if you're willing to join me, we can figure something out together."

Boa laughed and jumped onto Leo's back and the two set off into the horizon.

A dark figure emerged from the shadows and quickly began stalking them.

"Hello..." it whispered into Leo's ear.

He jumped, and Boa slid down onto the floor.

"Who are you?" Leo stuttered.

"The next member of your group," it laughed. It took off the cloak to reveal a medium. "My name is Xymeria."

"Xymeria?" Boa muttered. "Oh yeah! You're that spirit-seer that helped me out a couple years back."

"Boa, you shouldn't be trusting mediums, they're known for their trickery."

Xymeria laughed, her brown hair falling elegantly on her back. "Don't worry, I'm only here to help you find your powers, Leo..."

"How do you... know my name?"

"Oh, just a guess," she smiled, "I can help you find the cave where the first creatures were created. It should help you to awaken your powers."

Leo nodded slowly. "Just stay away from Boa. I still don't trust you."

She smiled again. "We have to pick up a few more on the way first though."


"Because at the beginning of time, when the first creatures were created in the Dungeon, or Cave of Beginnings, there were five of them. The Water Pillar, the Earth Pillar, the Fire Pillar, the Dark Pillar, and the Air Pillar. We have an earth-dweller, Boa, to represent the Earth Pillar when we get to the cave, and I'm a medium, so I can represent the Dark Pillar. However we need three more people to represent the Water, Fire and Air Pillars. Water pixies and fire demons are easy enough to find, but the real challenge is the air creatures. No one has seen one in centuries, they were believed to be extinct a very long time ago."

"We've got to get three more people in our group before Leo can get his powers?" Boa sighed. "Any fire demon is gonna be hard work, and an air creature? This is a hopeless cause."

Leo sighed deeply. "I've got to try. I have to."

Xymeria nodded, her pinky-purple eyes twinkling. "I understand what you mean. Are you joining us Boa?"

He hung his head. "Fiiiine."

"As if I had anything else to do," he muttered under his breath. He kicked another pebble.

Xymeria held out a hand to Boa. He gave her a side glance before hurrying forwards to Leo. She sighed and strode out behind them.

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