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chad, mindy, wes and Lily were all sat in chads car while he was driving to the hospital to see tara.

chad and wes were sat in the front while mindy and lillian were sat in the back.

the two girls had a quiet conversation while the boys were talking about some random stuff on tv that the other two did not care for.

" I hope taras okay" Lillian sighed looking away from the window to Mindy

"yeah me too, who do you think did it?" mindy asked,

"i have no idea but i know it wasnt wes so i can
definitely trust being alone with him" Lillian
"of course you would want to be alone with him" the brunette friend teased.

"shut up, you know thats not what i meant" the blonde haired girl laughed back. "But I think it's Liv or Amber, maybe both."

"what are you two talking about?" chad asked,

"about how we are planning to murder you" mindy joked, kicking his seat lightly

"okay, sure you were" chad rolled his eyes.

they continued to talk among themselves before pulling into the hospitals parking lot.

they went up to taras hospital room and saw that amber was already in there with her.

"hey tara, how are you?" Lillian asked,

"could be better" she replied, letting out a weak laugh, the friends sat down near her bed. chad, mindy sat in the chairs next to amber, lily and wes sat on the hospital bed next to taras.

"so what happened?" chad asked curiously, "i was just home alone and got a phone call but he said he was someone from my moms group and his name was charlie? he obviously wasn't because he was literally ghostface and he broke into my home and attacked me. i got stabbed through my fucking hand" the injured girl explained.

"what the fuck." Lily said,

"how do people even get in a mindset to do something like that?" wes questioned,

"no idea but they would have to be sick" mindy said.
"i don't even know how i survived to be honest" tara said,

"well however it happened we are all glad you did" amber smiled, standing to walk towards the girl.
"¡ swear amber likes her" wes whispered to Lillian,

"no, she for sure does" she agreed, nodding her head.

suddenly the door opened, it was sam and some tall lanky guy.

"hey, how are you feeling?"

"you came?" tara spoke,

"of course i did. wes called me" sam started, "this is my boyfriend richie" she said indicating to the guy next to her.

all the friends, one by one, embraced sam in a hug.
"this is chad and mindy, the twins, wes and lillian, i used to babysit them all" sam said, introducing her sisters friends to her boyfriend.

"which is always how i like to be introduced" wes joked.

richie went and shook their hands.

"wheres mom?" sam asked tara,
"she was here earlier-"

"for all of ten minutes. look, taras really tired so maybe we should leave her alone" amber cut her off

"sam you can stay"

everyone left the hospital room, leaving the sisters alone together.

" so bar?"Lily asked as they walked down the corridor.

"Definitely"Chad laughed.

Born to die {W.Hicks}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora