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"does your mom like me?" Lily asked, seemingly out of nowhere

"she loves you" wes smiled.

Lillian felt relief wash over her, Judy hicks was a lovely woman and she didn't want to get on her bad side.

the two were sat on his bed as they leaned in for a kiss, "i should probably go downstairs i want to know whats for dinner" wes said before kissing lily one more time.

"I'll be right back"

it seemed like he was downstairs for ages, lily really liked wes and his company and wanted to be around him all the time. Especially since her days were seemingly numbered.

he finally came upstairs,"shes getting sushi!" wes cheered
"thats good!" Lily replied,"should we get the table ready?" she asked

"yeah come on then, let me take shower first"

Lily sat on Wes' bed seemingly for ages although it was actually around twenty minutes, she thought she heard noises outside but chose to ignore it.

wes finally got out of the shower, and changed. the couple walked downstairs and began getting out drinks and plates for the three of them.

"i'm so glad its getting warmer again" lillian said,
"yeah me too" wes agreed.

"maybe we could go and have a beach date soon? you know after this ghostface stuff is all over?" wes asked,

"i would love that" lily smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

the two suddenly heard an unknown noise,this time it was in the house

"mom?" wes called out.

no answer.

the two went to go see what the noise was.
"mom?" he called out again. still no reply. the two were tightly holding hands at this point.

the door was open? wes closed and locked it and they both turned around. ghost face was right in front of Wes.

without even being able to process what was happening, he was stabbed in the stomach by ghost face. twice.

"NO" Lily yelled trying to kick Ghostface but he was to quick and stabbed her in the shoulder. Pain ripped through her as she screamed trying to protect Wes.

"get the fuck off her" wes yelled, punching the attacker making them fall to the ground, "are you okay? he asked,

"no not really" she cried.

the stabs were deep and lily felt quite dizzy, "lets go come on" he said to her, the turned around but ghostface stood back up and pushed lillian into the wall before throwing her on the floor.

then they held wes up against the door with their knife near his face, lily could barely move because of how much pain she was in, all she could do was see what was happening, tears were flooding out of her eyes.

"fuck you" wes screamed at ghost face,the killer brought their knife closer to wes before pushing it through his neck, blood was spilling out of his mouth.

Ghostface rounded on Lily she ran through to the kitchen but he was faster, he stabbed her 4 times in the back as she fell, he stabbed her 3 times in the gut

She was spitting blood everywhere, she could feel herself slowly dying, she weakly reached for the mask and pulled it off to reveal, Micheal. Her brother.

He was the last thing she saw before she died.

His sadistic smile.

He pulled a noose from a pocket and put it around her neck dragging her back to the hall. He pulled it up hanging her lifeless body from the upstairs banister.

He gutted her and left her there much like there ain't was in 1996.

Born to die {W.Hicks}Where stories live. Discover now