Chapter 18

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Niko POV:

I just left Greenleighs house and I'm sitting in my car with Silas next to me. I don't move to start the car or anything. I just sit there with my hands on the wheel. So many thoughts have gone through my head while I was up in her apartment.

1. I like how it felt with her sitting on me.

2. She smells amazing.

3. I could listen to Greenleigh's laugh for eternity.

4. If she leaned in to kiss me I would have kissed her back without a second thought.

You see, this list could go on forever. How I want to hang out with her 24/7 or how I want to do face masks and cuddle with her. I won't bore you with the minor details. More like I won't freak myself out with the minor details.

It narrows down to one thing

"I like her. A lot." I say simply. More to myself than to Silas.

"Yeah, I could have told you that forever ago. Like when you bought her candy. Or when you offered to dance with her. Or when you went roller skating with her. Or how you lowkey don't shut up about her or-"

"I get it. Thank you. Silence would be appreciated for the car ride," I cut Silas off and start the car. Sleep. I need sleep.

Think this through. Could she be interested in me? Probably not. Her attention span is so short she probably doesn't even remember I exist after I leave her line of sight.

I've never really been interested in someone more than a fling. These aren't the same feelings as a fling. I like talking to her. Of course seeing her mouth filled with something other that words would be nice... Stop. Don't think about that. I will end up crashing the car. 

I mean I liked this one girl in high school, but she ended up threatening the school with a bomb.

I would say thats a pretty big red flag.

She is just so. I don't know how to explain. Perfect? Bright? Pretty, funny, smart. UGH. She is irritating. Greenleigh needs to stop being so addicting. Why couldn't she have walked into the locker room like thirty minutes after I left? Or why couldn't she be normal and not feel the need to talk to me? None of this would have happened.

I'm probably going to end up obsessing over her and thinking of nothing else because I might've already been like that when I thought of her as a friend. This is awful. Unrequited.

I could ask her out? No. She would say no. 

"You missed our turn about fifteen minutes ago. By the way. I know you said silence, but I thought it was a tad important to break the silence." I hear Silas from beside me.

I groan and try to find a road to turn around on.

"So.... Whatcha thinkin about? I mean I already know, but I'm giving you a chance to spill. Spill it girl," Silas says swatting my shoulder.

"I don't know what to say. I like her. That's all."

"I need more details honey bun. You gonna ask her out?"


"Why not? She would probably say yes. I mean she obviously likes you."

"I would rather not be delusional thank you. I will stay in my bubble of friendship and be fine." Why would Silas say that? You know when you leave some place and you replay everything you said or did to make sure you didn't act like an idiot? Yeah, currently doing that.

Maybe I shouldn't have told her to sit back on my lap. She probably thinks I'm a creep. I'm going to be so awkward around her now. 

"You wouldn't be delusional. She sat on your lap, she took you out on all those dates. You guys are basically dating without certain benefits," Silas wiggles his eyebrows, "If you know what I mean."

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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