Some characters

Millie and Moxxie:

Moxxie and Millie are the married couple who work for Blitzø. Moxxie is a half coward unsure person and Millie is a cute fun person. It's ironic that they dated the same person. I'm guessing that Millie dated him before Moxxie did. We never knew why they broke up. I'm guessing Chad did something that made Millie upset or her parents didn't like him. Just like the way they didn't like Moxxie. In pilot, Moxxie asked Blitzø to stop following him and Millie around, in which I'm guessing the reason he does that is because he's jealous of their relationship. In my opinion, maybe if he didn't treat his partner like shit, he would have the same relationship energy as Moxxie and Millie does.

Heck, I'm surprised that Stolas still likes him after the way Blitzø treated him.

Barbie Wire:

Barbie is Blitzø's twin sister. She made her appearance in unhappy campers. She seemed to be apparently similar to Blitzø and she was pretty surprised and mad when she saw him. People say that the reason she hated him was because he was responsible for their mom's death. Wow, first he lets Fizzarolli burn and now that? I'm pretty sure that Barbie was upset about it.


Stella is Stolas ex-wife and Octavia's mom. As seen, she was way worst than Verosika. As it was seen in Loo Loo Land, she was selfish when she had all the cover to herself, and didn't give Stolas none. She also appears to be a bad mom when she didn't bother to check on Octavia when she had a nightmare. She did overreact when she found out that Stolas slept with a imp (referring to Blitzø) and threw a temper tantrum like a kid when they don't get things their way. She also hired Striker to kill Stolas. ( Probably for revenge.)

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