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It's been 2 day's since the ceremony,  Roier and Jaiden helped you with the daily tasks and you all seem to get along fine. You soon realize that every egg on the server has armor of some type, well except you! You want cool shit too.

So after observing some of the players you came to the conclusion that you needed a crafting table, but how would you get one? You're much weaker as an egg, and you have nothing but food in your inventory. You decided it was best to go to Bobby's house since he lives with players and they normally use crafting tables right?

You pushed your door open and started skipping to Bobby's house, it had only been 1 day since you've arrived and apparently there has already been 3 deaths. Juanaflippa died once, so did Ramon as well as Tilin who had died today.

You felt sad for them, however that wasn't your main focus. Soon you arrived but nobody was home, you simply walked inside and spotted a crafting table. you walked up to it pulling out some planks Jaiden had gifted you for your house they help build with you, deciding to experiment with it you made some sticks. 

Then a pickaxe, you watched Jaiden and Bobby mine with these so you decided to do it too. Although I suppose it was a little dangerous for since you were practically defenseless. But still you left the house but not before learning how to make a crafting table instead of stealing theirs. 

{ Time Skip }

You sat in your house that had just been slightly upgraded by you, your house was 4x4 blocks, mainly built out of stone now and had oak pillars too. Inside you had a furnace and a crafting table and a bed that was your favorite color, your house wasn't the only thing that had changed. You now had some armor and tools! You wore iron boots with iron knee pads, shoulder pads, and elbow pads. You still had your clothes still but you were more protected, you now also had a weapon being your trusty axe and shield.

You were all set! 


That's what you heard at your front door, you opened the door to be greeted by...

Juanaflippa and Mariana who were with Roier and Bobby.

" ¡Ah! Y/n! Amigo mío, ¿te gustaría unirte a una aventura? "

{ 1st POV }

I heard Roier ask me bending down to my height, I suppose I should put my stuff to good use. I brought a sign and wrote, ' ¡Sí! ' the two players smiled at my response.

It was apparently easter so we all went out to celebrate with Chayanne coming too, I don't know why but for once in like forever. I feel warm around these people, and I don't even know them! Bobby is kind of like my sibling as well as the other eggs, Jaiden and Roier are like my parents..- No they're better then mine. They actually... Care.

I got to sleep over at Juanaflippa's house since I was kind of lonely and it was already getting dark. Today was a great day! I upgraded my house, I got some nice armor, and I got to hang out with my friends! Today was nice I hope we can-

I froze.

Flippa... She laid limply in Mariana's arms as he begged her to wake up, I stood there staring at the two. We were just having fun... You can't die yet! Tears blurred my vision we were just laughing and smiling with Chayanne and Bobby!

But now she was dead... I looked away running out of Slimecicles house, I ran to my home. Avoiding the monsters as good as I possibly could. I soon made it and collapsed onto my bed, I know I am acting like an idiot. Death is normal and is a way of life but..- She some how was important to me even if it was only for a few days.

( Flash back )

You and Flippa were playing together, Chayanne, Roier and Bobby had to leave for errands. You two were cracking jokes and doing backflips, you two suddenly heard yelling from the other room. It was Slime and Mariana, they were arguing.

You looked to Flippa who was covering her ears tears being visible under her glasses, you immediately felt awful. The yelling reminded you of your parents in your past life, you got up from your seat and hugged her. It was all you could do at the moment she flinched and you could feel the hesitation when she wrapped her arms around you finally letting the waterworks go.

You two stayed like that, although you couldn't communicate through words you did good consoling her. You rubbed her back as she took deep breathes trying to calm herself, she was only a child and yet she was dealing with her parents constant squabbling. You two were the same with that part, however even though nobody knew it but you were probably the eldest out the eggs. You had a shit past and it led you to your demise but you were given a chance, so you would help Flippa through it.

You didn't want her to be alone like you were, you pulled out a sign and started scribbling, ' If they start arguing, come to my house I'll help you :)) ' you showed her with a sympathetic smile. She looked down at it and back up at you giving a small smile full of gratefulness, she nodded as you patted her head to comfort her.

( End of Flash back )

I promised...

I promised I would help her..! But... I failed...

I must have cried for a long time because I woke up in the morning with my eyes swollen, I feels as though I could've done something. Flippa will be the last because I'm not letting somebody else die.

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