[Ch.3] Found

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The silence was loud, funnily enough. The only thing hearable was the tapping of Mints shoes against the floor as he walked, flashlight in hand. Yes, he'd gone to look for Silas after the lights went out. He hid under the bed for a minute in a panicked state before calming down and deciding he couldn't stay there without knowing if Silas would come back. So here he was, wandering aimlessly around the halls and checking his back twenty-four seven.

The made up dark figures peaked at him from down the hall behind one of the corners of the walls, some scampered along out of the corner of his eye or simply looked down at him from the ceiling. Part of the reason he hated the dark so much, is he never could tell what was real or what wasn't. And decided he didn't want to know what was there.

He was hesitant to come out here in the first place, but he needed to find the presence of another human being, hopefully that human being would be Silas and his grumpy ass attitude.

He let out a startled noise when his phone light suddenly turned off. Sometimes it did that and scared the living shit out of him. He restarted his phone and let out a relieved sigh when he was able to turn the light on again.

After a good while, he still couldn't find Silas. No matter what area of the place he arrived to. A part of him had decided it was better to not find him, since he's sure Silas wouldn't want him to go to him anyway. Especially not after he had pissed the man off.

"Uhm- hi?" Mint turned around quickly and shined his light at whoever the voice belonged to. Two girls stood there, one a short blonde, the other had pink hair. The pink haired girl had spoken to him, a hesitant hand in the air lightly waving to him as they approached slowly. Mint returned the wave, staring at them for a few seconds. "You alright?" The taller woman spoke again. Mint nodded and finally was able to get a few words out, "Yeah- Yeah. Just spooked me. Why are y'all out here?" He scratched his head and walked till he could practically reach out and shake their hands.

"We went to find our friends. Forgot what rooms they're at. Even though they just told us before the power went out." The shorter one explained quick, and to the point. Muttering a bit towards the end.

The two stared at him for a moment, seeming to ask him the same question. "Was looking for my best friend. I accidentally made him storm out." The women nodded, deciding to not get into his business. "Do you want to stick with us?" The taller offered with a small smile. The shorter seemed to not agree with that —her face contorted with a pinched expression— but didn't say anything about it.

There was an eternal argument with himself for a minute before he did eventually nod. The taller waited for him to start walking with them before she gently placed her hand on his shoulder to guide him to where they were going. Her other hand intertwined with the shorter woman's.

"Back to our earlier conversation, they're on separate floors. That's all I know. Maybe this floor." The shorter said as the three of them walked. "What floor are we on?" Mint needed confirmation, "Second." Mint sighed once the answer came. "Don't even remember walking here. I was so out of it."

"What floor were you on?" The shorter finally directed a question to him. "Third." She nodded, not questioning him.

"Don't remember the room number to Damien or Void's room- whoever is on this floor.. do you?" The taller asked the other woman with very little hope in her eyes. "Nope. Sorry, dear." It was silent for a good second after that, only a sigh escaping from the disappointed woman's lips.

"I never got your names." Mint finally acknowledges the missing factors among them. "Oh golly, forgive us. I'm Stellar. This is my girlfriend, Eleanor." The taller—Stellar— explains, gesturing to the other woman towards the end of her sentence. "Mint. Or, call me M." They nod, Eleanor's being more subtle. They're silent the rest of the walk.

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