Losing the Lost

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I ran back into my bedroom and grabbed my phone off of my dresser. I ran back out into the kitchen and called Squid.
"Hello?" Squid said when he picked up. I squeezed my eyes shut.
"Sqaishey isn't here, Squid," I say. "I think... Aiden has her."
"I'll be over there in 5, mate," he said as he hung up. I started to get things together, I knew I would be gone for a while. But I had to find her. I dragged my bag out into the living room, and then the front door opened and Squid burst through.
"She's gone, Squid," I said. He nods, and then pats me on the back.
"You need to track her phone, mate," he said. "Find out where she's at." I nod. "Here, give me your phone," he said as he took my phone. He downloaded something, and then started it up and typed in her number. He handed my phone back to me. "Let's go," he said. He took me to his car, and the app started to work as a GPS, and it led us to a small warehouse on the other side of town.
"Is she in there?" I asked him. He nodded, and then got out of the car and grabbed a pistol from the back seat.
"Her phone is in there, but since you just called her, she should be in there, or at least near," he said as he handed me a baseball bat.
"What's this for?" I asked him.
"Aiden," he replied. "It's for Aiden." I nod, and Squid leads us into the warehouse. We push the doors open, and they squeak loudly. He opens them slowly, and then we hear yelling.
"Shut up!" I hear coming from somewhere in the warehouse. We slowly shut the door, and then I hear a scream.
"Sqaishey," I whisper. I hold the baseball bat tightly in my hands, and we walk up the old staircase. We arrive upstairs, and Squid holds his finger to his lips. He moves his head and looks past the wall, and then he nods. Sqaishey was in there. He points to the old room, and then I hear more yelling.

Sqaishey's POV

"Stop, please," I plead to Aiden. We were in some old warehouse, and he had me tied to a chair. He was smacking me and yelling at me, but I was trying to drown him out. Stampy would find me, whether it be in 6 months or 30 seconds. He would find me. I closed my eyes tight and felt Aiden's hand on my face again. I knew I had bruises all over me, probably even cuts. He yelled at me more. I felt another tear roll down my face, burning as it went down because of all of the injuries I had. He came and took me last night, without me even struggling. He had broken the window, and grabbed me. It was horrible. I kept thinking about Stampy, and it made the pain go down. He would be here. Eventually. I opened my eyes to see Aiden's horrible twisted face, and then I shut them again. And then it all happened so fast. Squid with a gun to Aiden. The cops, the hospital ride, Stampy telling me everything was going to be alright. And then black. Darkness, until I woke up, of course.
"Sqaishey," Stampy said as I opened my eyes. He had my hand in his, and he kissed me on the cheek. I smiled, and he smiled back. "Aiden is gone, Sqaishey," he said. "Jailed for life." I smiled at the thought. I was safe. No more Aiden to deal with, no more abuse.
"You kept your promise," I whisper. He nods and half-smiles at me. "You saved me." He smiles, and then kisses me again, but I kiss him back this time. I push myself up and out of the hospital bed so I'm closer to him, and then he pulls away. "I was lost, Stampy. Before I found you," I said. "And then Aiden took me, and I was completely lost. Physically and mentally." He smiles at me and kisses me again, but just a small kiss this time. He plays with my hair, and then the doctor walked in.
"Bethany, the good news is that you'll be leaving here in 2 days tops," he said with a happy tone. "The bad news is that you'll probably be sore for the next week or so. The injuries you received were not severe, but enough to run your body down." I nod and smile. I would be out of this horrid place in 2 days. It smelled of chemicals, and the bed was uncomfortable. And the horrible gown they made you wear, paper thin, scratchy. But Stampy was there with me. He made everything better. The doctor patted me on the leg, and then walked out. He shut the door behind him.
"I'm sorry," Stampy said. "That this happened. I understand it's not my fault, it's not anyone's fault. But I still feel horrible about it." He smiled at me again, and I smiled back. And then a thought passed through my mind.
"Where's Squid?" I ask Stampy. His smile turns into a frown, and he looks exhausted all of a sudden.
"He... He didn't-" he pauses and I stare at him.
"He's dead, isn't he?" I ask him. He looks at his shoes, and then nods very slowly. I stare at Stampy. Squid was dead, because of me. Dead, gone. Forever. Because he saved me. I felt a tear stream down my cheek, and Stampy came and sat on the bed next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder and held me, and I cried into his shoulder. He didn't say anything, he knew exactly what I was thinking. What I knew. I pulled away from him and wiped my eyes. I had never felt so horrible in my life, ever. Somebody died because of me. But it wasn't just somebody, it was Squid. He was a YouTuber, a best friend. And now he was gone. I laid back down in the cold, hard hospital bed, and felt Stampy get up and walk out of the room, without saying a word.

Ahhh, the writers life. Anyways, hope you guys "liked" this chapter. Kind of depressing, but please note: basically all of this is fake. Made up in my head. Sqaishey never had an abusive boyfriend named Aiden, and Squid is still alive and happy. But, Sqampy was confirmed on Rhett and Link's Podcast, Ear Biscuits, so all good with that part of the story. Anyways, stay crispy my friends!!!

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