It's All About Us

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Sqaishey's POV

I had just gotten out of the hospital a couple of hours ago, but I decided to take a walk to clear my mind.

Oh, wait! I don't have anything in my mind anymore!

It was so stressful, not remembering anything. I told Stampy that I was going to go on a short little walk, and then I would come back later.

But it was more than that.

I play with the sharp metal in my pocket, and then I sigh as I walk down a short alley. I sit down against the wall and pull it out, pulling up my long sleeve shirt as I do so.

I had to do this.

I slash the blade across my lower arm just below my elbow. I feel happiness for a split second, and then the pain overrides the happiness. I sigh as I pull out a wad of toilet paper and press it to my cut, gritting my teeth at the burning sensation.

I notice the toilet paper being soaked with blood, and I throw in on the ground and slash my arm again. And again. And again.

And then I hear footsteps.

And then I see Squid.

I pull my shirt down, and he looks relieved that he had found me.

"Is this were you were the whole time?" he asks me as he sits down next to me. I smile and nod. "Sqaishey, I need to tell you-" I cut him off.

"No.. You don't," I say. He stares at me suspiciously, and then he looks at my shirt sleeve and gasps.

"Sqaishey!" he screams. "You.. How did you..? Never mind!" He pulls his shirt off and starts to wrap it around my cuts. I shield my eyes, and he sighs. "Oh, like you haven't seen Stamps shirtless," he says. I turn my head, but I don't look directly at him. He grabs me under my shoulders and pulls me up, and I put my feet under me.

"Squid," I say. "I think you better-" he cuts me off by putting his hand under my chin.

"No. If he has a problem with us being friends, he can kiss my arse," he whispers. I turn away from him, and I hear a sigh. "But you know what I said.." I turn back around to him, his deep blue eyes saddened.

"Squid," I say as I put my hand on his chest over his tattoo. I look up at him, and he puts his hand on my cheek.

I look past his shoulder and see Stampy.

I quickly take me hand off of his chest and shake my head at Stampy.

"Stampy, I promise nothing happened," I say. "He put his shirt around my cuts and-" Stampy cuts me off.

"Sqaishey.." Stampy fades off. "Just.. Never mind," he says as he turns around and walks off. I jog after him and step in front of him.

"Stampy, no," I say. "I promise nothing happened! We didn't even hug or anything!" I yell in his face, startling him. "And, and, you always think something happened, but nothing did! I love you, Stampy! I don't love him! I made a stupid mistake, and I payed for it!" I feel tears pricking at my eyes. "Do you know how stressful it is, not remembering anything except two people? Because I do! That's the reality I've been living in for 2 weeks, Stampy!" I scream at him more, causing for him to step back. "I kissed your best friend, Stampy! I know this! You know this! He knows this! I barely remember it, and I would never do it again!" I feel tears run down my face. "I love you! I love you, Stampy! And no one else!" I fall into his chest, and he holds me as I sob. He rubs my back, and people walk by and give us concerned looks.

"Sqaishey," he whispers after I calm down. "Sqaishey, I'm sorry." I shake my head in his chest. I look up at him and he hugs me tighter. "I.. I'm stupid, Sqaishey. I didn't realize how stressful this was for you, and I should've. I'm sorry." I shake my head and step away from the hug. I notice Squid standing behind us, still shirtless. I sigh and look at him.

"Squid.." I say. He nods, already understanding.

"Yeah.. I'll go," he says. I nod, and start to feel the blood soaking through Squid's shirt. I sigh.

"Stampy, we need to go back to the apartment," I say lowly, not mentioning my cuts. He nods and looks at my arm.

"Yeah.. Come on," he says. I follow after him, and when we reach the apartment, we take the lift up to his floor. He leads me into the bathroom, where he grabs a first-aid kit and pulls out some bandages and some hydrogen peroxide. He slowly pulls the shirt off of my arm, and his eyes widen at the sight of all of the blood. He runs it under the water, and it surprisingly doesn't hurt that bad. He takes a cotton ball and puts some peroxide on it, and quickly dabs it in my cuts. I grit my teeth every time, but he's over in just a second and he wraps it in the soft bandage.

"Thanks," I mumble. He nods and smiles weakly. He stands up and walks into the living room, and I slowly follow after him. "Stampy?" I say as he sits on the couch. He looks up at me.

"Yes?" he says. He gestures for me to sit down next to him.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," I say. "I really am." He nods as I sit down next to him, and he turns to look at me.

"It's fine," he says as he cups his hand around my face. He leans in to kiss me, and I kiss him back. I turn my head slightly, and then he pulls me closer to him. He accidentally falls backwards, and I fall on top of him. He looks up at me.

"Well, hi there," I say. He smiles and leans up to kiss me again. He hands find their way around my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. I pull myself closer to him, and I feel his hands play with my shirt. He pulls away, and I sigh mentally.

"Sqaishey?" he says. I nod.

"Yes, kitty cake?" I say. He smiles at me.

"I love you," he whispers.

"I love you, too, kitty cake," I whisper back as I smile. I lay my head on his chest, and he plays with my hair as I fall asleep.


Good enough?


Too bad.

I started school today!! :D

So.. that probably means fewer updates. :(

But hopefully I'll find time to write.

But I have to read and write a lot. :/

Whatever. That's my life



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