Chapter 40 - Visitor

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I pause, staring up at Adam, before quickly shaking myself out of my reverie, pulling the door open and stepping inside the café, dripping wet.

Adam follows behind me and I feel his hand on the small of my back. I take a large step forward out of his touch, trying to keep some space between us.

'How about we take a seat by the window' I offer, trying to diffuse any awkward tension.

'Whatever you want' He replies, giving me a small smile. 'What do you want to drink and I'll go get them? He asks

'Caramel latte, please' I reply, whist walking towards our table and securing our seats.

After a few minutes Adam brings our drinks over and takes a seat, passing mine over to me. As I reach for the coffee cup my hand grazes his. The feel of his warm skin brushing against mine is a sensation I've missed. It might be the fact I haven't seen a living soul in weeks but his company makes me feel...calm.

'Thanks' I say as I pull my hand and the coffee cup away from him.

'So, how have you been?' He asks.

'That's a loaded  question' I reply 'But I'm mostly OK now, I think'

'I know I came down here to talk to you about your experience, but if you'd rather we didn't, I don't mind. I'm happy just enjoying your company.' he confesses.

'Yeah. I'll admit I had a little apprehension about meeting up with you, but this is nicer then I thought it was going to be'


'No, no. It's just...You're not what I was expecting'

'Well I hope that's a good thing' he jokes.

We sit and talk for awhile, drinking coffee and listening to each other stories. Before I know it a waitress comes up to us.

'I'm sorry, but we're closing in a few minutes' She says

I look at my watch,  realising we'd been sat there for 4 hours.

'Is there somewhere else we could go' Adam asks

'No, this is pretty much the only place around here. They don't even have a pub in this village and the next town is too far away. But....You could always come back to mine for another coffee or something' I offer innocently

He smiles at the idea and agrees.

He really does have a  nice smile, but there is one smile I just can't seem to shake from my head as a vision of Wes pops into the back of my mind.

We start to make a move, grabbing our coats and my bag before we get into the car and head towards the cottage.

As we drive we carry on our conversation, making the journey back feel a whole lot shorter then the one coming into the village. As we pull up to the cottage I  feel a pang of nervousness about Adam coming in. I sit in the seat  and pick at one of my fingernails.

As he pulls up in front of the cottage, bringing the car to a stop he leans over in his seat and places his hand on top of mine.

'Listen, If you'd rather I didn't come in, I completely understand. We can just call it a night here? But I'd love to stay in touch' He offers

I look up to him and smile, knowing all too well why he's so understanding.

'I'm sorry'

'Please, It's fine' he says

I lean over the centre console and kiss his cheek.

'Let me know me you get home safe?'

'You got it. I had a great time. It was nice meeting you' He says

'You too. Goodnight' I reply, before getting out the car.

I turn to him and wave as he drives off into the night.

Spinning on my heels, I move towards the cottage, heading for the door when suddenly something moves in the corner of my eye. I freeze in place as every imaginable thing runs through my head.

'That was quick' says a voice I recognise .

I turn to face a dark,  mysterious figure approaching. I know who it is before I see his face.

Wes steps out of the shadows, illuminated by a street light. I look up at him as he steps  closer to me with pain in his eyes and then I realise there are also tears.

'What? How did you find me?' I say in confusion, before realising. 'Anna told you didn't she?'

'I've been so worried about you since you disappeared, but I can see you've moved on. You two looked pretty cosy.' He accuses, pointing back to the curb where the car was stopped.

'You're one to talk' I throw back at him

'B' He says stepping  forward. 'What you saw was not what you think it is. But I guess it doesn't matter anymore.'

'Oh please, enlighten me. Tell me why that girl was coming out of your flat. I've seen you with that girl before! Why did you lie to me about going to a meeting?' I yell back, before opening the door to the cottage and stepping into the doorway. I turn back to him, waiting for an answer.

'She's called Rebecca, I've known her for years' He shouts.

'How does that make anything better?' I scream before slamming the door shut in his face.

I hear Wes hit the door with his fist as he carries on shouting through it. I pause in the hallway, listening to him defending his actions.

'You don't understand. She my sisters best friend. She's like my sister. She's helping me pack up my flat so I can move.' Then he drops his body weight against the door as if he's been defeated. 'Please B. I would never' He says, talking to the door, not knowing if I'm still listening.

I open the door again, staring at him unsure of what to say.

'So you didn't sleep with her?' I ask in a whisper.

'No. Of course I didn't. I haven't even looked at another girl since I saw you with Xander. It drove me crazy. I got Rebecca to pretend to be my date and crash Katie's birthday to try and make you jealous.'

'Why didn't you just tell me that? Why lie to me about where you were?' I ask in a softer tone.

'I wanted it to be a surprise' He says quietly. 'I know what happened to you the last time you were there. I wanted to find somewhere else to live so you wouldn't not come over.' He confesses, looking down at the floor.

I take a step forward, cupping his face with my hand.

'You were going to move? For me?'

'I still am B. I'm already packed. I'm supposed to be in the new place in a couple of days.' he responds, putting his hand over mine.

There's a silence and I try to think of something to say until Wes grips one of my wrist and pulls me forward into his arms. His lips land on mine as he kisses me softly.

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