Chapter 46 - Later

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With my hand in his, he twirls me out. My white dress, flowing with the spin. My silver shoes tapping against the dancefloor as I'm then drawn back towards him. I'm pulled up against a broad chest, as a hand rests on my waist. The sweet smell of mint wafting in the air.

'Have I told you how beautiful you are today?' Wes whispers into my ear, sending a shiver through my body.

'Maybe once or twice' I chuckle out 'But a girl can never hear it enough'

'Well my stunning wife. I will spend every day for the rest of my life, telling you how beautiful you are'

I smile up to Wes. I can't believe we're now married. I get to spend the rest of my life with my soulmate.

'What are you thinking?' Wes asks

'Just how happy I am' I respond.

'You sure you're not looking for the door?'

'As if I'd let you off that easy' I joke

'OK, good. Just checking' he tells me as he squeezes my waist.

'I love you' I tell him

'I love you to' Wes replies before pressing his lips to mine.

I feel his grip on my waist tighten and his mouth open, encouraging me to do the same. I push myself up against his body, wanting to feel him. Then I'm pulled out of my trance, by the bottom of my dress being tugged.

'Ew, Mummy, stopped kissing daddy. I want to dance with you' A little voice comes from beside me.

I pull away from Wes, as I look down to my sweet, dark haired boy. My gorgeous little 5 year old who is a dead ringer for his father.

'I'm sorry, baby. Of course I'll dance with you.'

'That doesn't bod well for me. It's our wedding day and you're already replacing me with another man.' Wes jokes, holding his hand over his heart like he's been hurt.

'What can I say? He younger and a lot cuter.' I shoot back with a wink.

Wes turns to our son. 'You look after my bride. I'll want her back in one piece'

'Yes daddy' He says before turning to me, grabbing my hand and taking me to the centre of the floor.


'Yes, Robin?'

'Can we get married?' He asks with complete sincerity.

'But I'm married to daddy'

'Ohhhh' me moans

'You'll find someone when the time is right'

'Promise?' He asks

'Pinky promise.' I reply, holding my little finger out for him to take with his.

The three of us spend most of the night on the dance floor, amongst all our friends and family. Before the end of the night Robin gives in to a deep sleep, leaving Anna to take him back to her room for the night.

Wes turns to me.

'I guess it's just you and me now, B.' Wes says with a wide grin on his face.

'Yeah?' I ask looking up to him, succumbing to his charm.

Wes presses me against his body and brings his mouth to my ear. 'Did you want to get out of here?'

I feel the warmth of his breath tickle my ear. I don't reply to him, I just nod my head and follow him when he guides me away from the hall, towards the honeymoon suite.

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